Ben Wa Balls and Vaginal Tone

Good vaginal tone is often a concern to many women and men alike. But how does a women keep good vaginal tone? The vagina is affected by hormonal factors (that maintain the inner tissues of the vagina and the external glands), as well as the tone of the PC muscles that are responsible for holding urine and contracting rhythmically during orgasm. The PC muscles are under voluntary control and can be strengthened by exercise, the most common method being Kegel exercises.
But who remembers to do their Kegels? They are simple and can be done almost anywhere, but it is often difficult to remember to actually do them. Well before there were Kegels, there were Ben Wa Balls. Even though there have been literally hundreds of different kinds made with varying size, weight, materials – all function with the same basic idea. By placing the balls inside the vagina, they stimulate a small contraction of the PC muscles by either the weight of the ball themselves, or by a small amount of vibration that is produced when a woman is moving around with the balls inside of her vagina.
One very early design of Ben Wa Balls was a hollow ball with mercury inside, so that as a woman walked and changed position, the mercury would move inside the ball and produce a very small movement that stimulated the muscle to contract. Unfortunately, mercury poisoning was an undesirable consequence, so the design changed to just weighted balls. There was still some contraction necessary to keep these from falling out of the vagina, so that it would strengthen the PC muscles as they were worn.
A wonderful improvement to this design is to have one ball inside of another, like you can find with the LELO Luna Beads. The small inner ball moves inside of the larger hollow one creating a tingly vibration that stimulates the muscle to squeeze. This contraction improves the tone of the PC muscles, but can also be pleasurable at the same time. Many women also like this ingenious design because the inner vibration is more stimulating than just the weighted ball. It increases blood flow to the area as the muscles are worked and feels good too. Better yet, it reminds your brain to think about sex every time you feel a tingle. All of these work together to improve a woman’s sexual response and enjoyment.
Dr. Castellanos is a psychiatrist specializing in sex therapy for over 25 years, including treatment with bio-identical hormones, and functional medicine consultations. You can follow her on Instagram at thesexmd, Facebook at The Sex MD, and X at @DrCastellanos.
I just purchased the Luna Beads based on your article “Ben Wa Balls and Vaginal Tone.” I can wear the Luna Beads (double) all day and keep them in place without any trouble but unfortunately I don’t feel any vibration when I move or walk around. I have minor trouble with stress incontinence which I was hoping the Luna Beads would improve. I also hoped they would strengthen my orgasms. My question is — will the Luna Beads help improve the strength of my PC muscles if I can’t feel them vibrating?
I just bought a set an don’t know how to use them they have space between them an a string with a loop at the end of them did I buy the right one
They are meant to be inserted with the string remaining outside. They should also come with directions.
Great question! If you are moving, they are moving with you. You can check this out by holding them in your hand as you walk and change position to see how they move. Since the movement is subtle, you may not notice it unless you are shaking your hips or jumping up and down. You could always take a small dance break every few hours or so which will increase the vibration, increase your blood flow, and generally make you happier!
I’ve been using the balls for four days and now I feel the urge to urinate frequently is this normal
Ranodda – the balls may be placing pressure on your G Spot and anterior vaginal wall which can easily give a woman the sensation of having to urinate. Perhaps you could try Kegels without using vaginal balls because you don’t want to “train” yourself to have to urinate more frequently if you don’t have to really empty your bladder yet.
I am so lost and no one seems to have the answer. I purchased a pair of benwa balls and I have been using them for about two weeks. When I first put them in it is hard to keep one in. Then as time goes by after I’ve been pushing just the one back in…I do not have to put any effort into holding them in. When I want to take them out; like at night, I have to really reach to get them out. Am I doing something wrong? Are they not the right ones? Is it working? I’m not sure what to do.
If you have difficulty keeping them in and you have pushed them up past the pelvic floor muscles, it’s because the pelvic floor muscles need to contract more. If you have already had children, there will be more variation than in a woman who has not yet had children. As you move around, they can travel up the vagina so it requires a little push. Squatting can be helpful to remover them, then sweep the vagina with a finger.
Ok, I’m not exactly sure if I’m using the Ben wa balls correctly. They just seem to fall out when I stand up so I don’t know if I’m not pushing them in far enough or what. And I’m also concerned about if the muscles needed to hold them in work naturally of if I should actually be putting in some type of effort?
If Ben Wa Balls fall out, then the muscles are not squeezing enough.
Can you leave the the Luna balls in during sex? Is it safe to do so, like you can with Ben Wa balls supposedly?
Maureen, I would not advise leaving them in. They pretty much take up all the space in the vagina and don’t really leave space for your partner or a toy. Even if it is safe, it would appear to be uncomfortable. If you want some vibration during intercourse, it may be better to try a We Vibe
or a vibrating cock ring.
I purchased benwa balls for the first time I bought what the girl at the toy store recommended I used them but they seemed quite large I could do jumping Jacks or anything else and they stayed in with no effort do I need smaller ones
Remember that the weaker you are, the larger and the lighter you need the balls to be. As you get stronger, you can hold smaller and/or heavier balls.
My girl has been curious about ben wa balls for a while but is embarrassed or thinks it’s a scam. She tried kegel exercises but she says there boring or don’t work. I know they have helped me (and many other men) maintain longer. Do you think more gals have had success with the ben wa balls instead of kegels?
Dear Abdul, I can assure you that Ben Wa balls are not “a scam”. They work on the same principle as Kegels in that they exercise the PC muscles. The difference is that Kegels are active exercises that are done consciously, while Ben Wa balls work more passively. By wearing them, it creates sensation and weight against the muscle which promotes small contractions as you move. These contractions will slowly condition the muscles. Both will have success only if they are done. Many women forget to do their Kegels, so they like the idea of using the balls. Others don’t like wearing the balls inside and prefer to do the Kegels. To each their own.
I got ben wa balls but can’t really feel them inside me. They don’t come out unless I really try to get them out though. Should I try a larger size? Or a smaller size??
If you have the type of Ben Wa balls that are solid (don’t have any inner movement), then you won’t feel them when they are inside your vagina. The weight of them, however, will subtly work on your PC muscles – and that’s really the point. The ones with a second weight inside them have a vibration as you move that creates more opportunity for PC muscle contraction. Also, they should not come out on their own – you must pull them out. This is why many women prefer the Luna Beads from Lelo that have the silicone string for easy removal.
Thanks for the timely response. Sadly Luna Beads seem really big (1.4in diameter), seeing as I have issues getting the 1in diameter ones I have now in. Mine done have a string to pull them out though … I wasn’t aware that most did. I’m having issues finding smaller ones with the 2nd weight inside (0.75in to 1in diameter). Any suggestions?
If you have difficulty getting the 1″ diameter ones in – it could either be the PC muscle that is tight, or the exterior skin that is not sufficiently stretched. If it is the muscle, you probably should not be using Ben Wa balls until you have done some stretching and relaxation exercises. Ben Wa balls are used to tighten the PC muscles, which may already be tight enough in your case, or maybe even too tight. Usually difficulty with the exterior skin is due to hormonal issues unless it is an unperforated hymen.
Even though I’ve never had a complaint about my tightness, I feel I am getting looser. My theory is that muscles can always use a work out … even when in shape to maintain (rather than let myself get lose, then have to work harder to get back to being tight).
An average man’s penis when erect is just over 1.5″ wide (diameter) which is much larger than the Luna Beads. So when you say that 1″ is too tight, I wonder if you have any pelvic floor dysfunction. Each time you have an orgasm, you tighten these muscles, and when you have to hold your urine in as well. I am concerned if you say that you have difficulty inserting something that is only 1″ in diameter.
I purchased the Fun Factory (single) ben wa ball, inserting it was a little painful but once it was inside I don’t feel it much and also don’t need to do any clenching to hold it in because the ball holds itself in place without me having to use my pc muscles. My question is: am I still getting a work out down there or should I get a smaller heavier ball that requires me to “work” to keep it inside my vagina? I clench the ball anyway but I don’t know if I’m just wasting my time, and since the ball is kind of large, will it make me more loose instead of tighter? Thanks in advance for your advice.
Michi – The Fun Factory balls are pretty large, especially considering that the vagina is only about 3″ deep when a woman is not aroused. Since the vagina is basically muscular tissue, wearing them will not make you “more loose,” but they are uncomfortable for some women. Many women prefer to use slightly smaller ones, but it is all a matter of personal taste. Don’t worry if you’re not feeling them much when they are inside because that’s the point – they are meant to be unobtrusive, while very subtly stimulating tiny contractions in your PC muscles when you move. In this way, your PC muscles are worked throughout the day without consciously doing Kegel exercises. If the balls are staying inside your vagina, it is because of the tone of the PC muscles.
Thank you!
Can I use the ben wa balls all day
how many hours a day
Since Ben Wa Balls are made of material that is not reactive (stainless steel, silicone, or hard plastic), you can use them as long as you like. Comfort and practicality can be your reasons, and most women will not have them in when they need to use the bathroom than for more than just a quick urination. Some women like to sleep with them because they feel the sensation stimulates them and leads to more sex dreams, while other women prefer not to sleep with them. Ben Wa Balls do not work on the PC muscles while you are laying down. Also, exercising with them inside can become quite distracting.
As someone who has exercised with them in, and will be doing yoga with them in tonight, they are rather distracting and quite a challenge.
i got the stainless steel wa balls but they keep dropping out of the vagina. what can i do. is it because i am too loose.
They may be too heavy, or too small. This may indicate that you could strengthen the pelvic floor muscles if you do not have any pelvic floor dysfunction.
My balls are glass. Is that a reactive material? Also, does it matter WHERE in the vagina the balls need to be placed. Mine are 1 inch and i feel like when I put them in, they go WAAAY up there. It’s also really hard to remove them because they are so far up. Thanks!
Alicia – glass is usually not reactive, although one should make sure that it is good quality glass that is not going to leach lead. Yes, the balls usually make their way up the vagina because the muscles of the pelvic floor will contract, pushing them upwards. If you have a little trouble removing them, you can squat down and
push downward with your muscles. This will allow the balls to move to the lower part of the vagina and make them easier to retrieve (or they may be pushed out as well).
That means it’s working.. Making you tighter?
I starting using the ben wan ball today however the balls dont stay inside even for one minute what make me think the my V is pretty large ๐ is there anything I can do to keep the balls inside my V ?
Dina, it sounds as if you need to do some Kegel exercises to condition the PC muscles before moving onto using the Ben Wa Balls. It also depends on the diameter of the balls – if they are less than 1.5cm, they may be very difficult to keep inside regardless. Ben Wa Balls provide a more passive exercise of the PC muscles, but if you need to tighten them more actively, then try to do Kegel exercises at least twice a day. Check out this post for an explanation on how to do Kegel exercises.
Thank you so much for your answer, I bought this ben wan balls 3/4 inches in diameter. Weight: 1.9 oz/Pair that like I said dont stay inside and i also bought geish balls wich I am trying to use but dont fit what I mean the second ball dont go inside stuck so I am afraind that it gonna make my V larger ๐
What tool do you recommend me to start with the kegel exercises? I am complete lost.
I am pretty young 21 but my V is so large even when I was virgin and I never feel my boyfriend P inside me ๐ we have sex like once per week
The term “geisha balls” is vague and can refer to many different sizes. Sometimes women may feel that their vagina is large even when this is not the case. Have you been checked by a gynecologist? That will usually allow you to ask questions about whether they notice any problems when they examine you and tell you what is normal and what is not normal. Please read my article on Kegel exercises…find the link in the previous comment. For Kegel exercises, no special tools are needed although some women like to use a Kegelcisor
. That’s the beauty of Kegel exercises – no special tools, and you can do them anywhere because no one can tell you are doing them.
Hi I have 5 baby’s and I feel I might be a little loser now I have the plastic bend balls do I need to b using the havier ones
The heavier the weights and the smaller the weights, the more strength you need to have in your pelvic floor to hold them inside while standing. There are other pelvic floor exercisers that will tighten these muscles more actively, since Ben Wa Balls are more passive exercise.
Hi I just started using metal ben wa balls but I don’t know if I’m using them right, they always end going to
The back of my vagiana so I don’t know if they are working or if I’m using them right HELP ME LOL
This sounds perfectly normal. The PC muscles will squeeze – pushing the balls upwards. Don’t be alarmed because this situation is just what you’re looking for. Thanks for your great question.
Thank you. I was wondering how long will it take to notice my pc mussels are stronger? I had a baby & I
Feel my vagina lost its tightness & my partner told me
as well, how long will it be until I notice drastic change
down there ?
Brenda, After having a baby, Kegel exercises will help you get your muscles back to their tone faster than the Ben Wa Balls. It could take a couple of months – depending on how much you exercise and your body’s ability to heal and tone muscle. Most women don’t notice a drastic change as the muscles tone because there is a little more each day. Don’t worry, it will continue to tighten.
Hi, May i wear these beads at night when i sleep? I have the rubber ones though…
Thanks ๐
Hi I just got a set of ben wa balls for the first time, and my tightness is fine…I want to improve my orgasms and try to learn female ejaculating with my partner….I plan on wearing them all day…how soon will I notice results or what should I expect
Shelly – Ben Wa Balls won’t help you learn how to squirt (which is different from female ejaculation – see this post. They help with tone of the pelvic floor muscles as you squeeze to keep them inside while you are walking or moving around.
@Mary – Sure you can wear them at night while you sleep, but they really won’t do much that way. The beneficial effects of Ben Wa balls are the muscle contractions (albeit small) that occur when you move and the PC muscles feel the vibration/movement. Gravity or moving back and forth, like when you are walking, creates this stimulation for your muscles even if it is too subtle for you to notice all the time. If you are asleep, there is no such movement. You may feel them if you are dreaming and contract as a response to a dream.
You mention that yours are rubber. I only recommend materials that are not reactive and do not leach out any chemicals. Rubber is not acceptable. Hard plastic (not flexible at all – think old-school vibrators), medical-grade silicone, latex, lead-free glass, and stainless steel are all materials that are acceptable for use inside the vagina. Other plastics that are flexible may leach BPAs which are known to have hormonal effects on the body. Please check this out before purchasing/using.
I have a pair of small weighted baoding balls with chimes, can I use to strengthen my PC muscles?
Cierra – The most important factor to take into consideration is the material used in any object that you insert into your vagina. The tissue of the vagina is mucosal and it absorbs chemicals much more easily than your skin. If the balls are made of stainless steel with no paint, (and you can verify this), they should be safe for insertion. Be careful, however, if they are painted because different chemicals from the paint can leach into your tissues. Usually baoding balls are quite large which would be difficult to insert, but if they are small enough, they could be used for PC strengthening. Please, just be very careful with the material used for the balls.
The ones I have are stainless steel, they look almost exactly like the ben wa balls pictured at the top of the
page. They are pretty small, I bought them a couple years ago to improve dexterity and I got the smallest pair they had (I have very small hands).
I used them last night and my concern is that they are pretty heavy. I definitely couldn’t keep both in at the same time because the one at the top (closest to my cervix) was pushing the one at the bottom out. I decided to try my luck with just one ball and because of the weight, it slid out occasionally. Keeping this heavy little thing on was no easy task! My PC muscles actually feel tired today, almost like I can’t squeeze them tight enough or can’t hold hold the squeeze long enough. Is that normal? Have I overworked my vagina?
Cierra – I’m surprised that women continue to want to use these primarily at night. You probably won’t get enough movement while you are sleeping to work the PC muscles unless you are VERY aware of the presence of the balls. But if that is the case, then your mind is aware of them and you probably won’t have a very deep sleep.
The best way to use these is when you are awake and upright so that the weight of the ball(s) pushes down on the PC muscles and stimulates the muscles to squeeze in order to keep the ball inside. This works best when you are standing up and moving around, when the ball(s) are weighted, and when they have movement. All of these factors encourage contraction of the PC muscle system. You can see that when you are laying down and sleeping, there will not be nearly the pressure against the PC muscles to stimulate their contraction.
Don’t allow your sleep to be disturbed – sleep is so important! These are better used when you are awake and moving around.
Oh no, I wasn’t asleep or lying down. I put them in when I got home from work (I’m not brave enough to wear them outside of my house yet). I kept them in for about 3 hours while I did housework. I do think I’m feeling some results already, seeing as how my PC muscles are sore.
I have high tone pelvic floor dysfunction. I just finished 12 weeks of pelvic floor therapy (my second round, first was 4 years ago). I had a hysterectomy in summer of 2008 and since then I have noticed that my too tight vagina is now loosening in spots, but loosening too much. This was confirmed by the latest therapist that said my muscles were not as strong as what the last therapist had wrote down. So now my muscles start out looser, then when I begin doing kegels they tighten, but not as much as they used to, then they don’t want to relax. The worst of it is at the opening of my vagina to about an inch in. I just don’t understand how I went from one extreme to the other.
Sooo… With that in mind, what would you recommend for me to strenghten? Would the Luna Beads help me strenghten while allowing relaxing? I am curious because they are passive. I don’t want to hurt myself further, but one extreme to the other is not good for our sex life either. I am currently doing Kegels (hold and relax, and quick bursts) and Pelvic Narrowing as the therapist advised. Thank you for any advice.
Tiffany, Whenever a woman has pelvic floor dysfunction (see this post), then she should not be doing Kegel exercises without direction from her physical therapist. Since you are already working with a physical therapist, you should bring this issue to them so that they can thoroughly examine you and make suggestions for any PC exercises/stretching at your current level of conditioning. I would recommend that you not buy any type of PC toning balls or Kegelcisors without consulting with them first.
Thank you for such a fast response! I read the post on pelvic floor dysfunction. I have noticed that sometimes when I do the Kegel exercises I do have deep pain on the right side of my lower abdomen. That is when I stop. The pelvic narrowing seems to be helping without hurting so I have been doing that more (I am not yet good at it though and keep engaging my gluteals). I am going to ask the physical therapist at my next (last) appointment, then the doctor that sent me there about this. I am completely unsure of whether PC toning balls would concentrate the toning efforts to the vagina more than manually doing Kegels, as I have never used them. In other words, I know Kegels can hurt me and I have to be careful, what I’m not sure about is whether the PC toning balls would be better or worse than manually doing Kegels. Hope I am making sense here! Thank you again!
Where can I find Ben wa balls?
What is the best size of balls to start out with if your vagina is pretty loose? Is it better to start with bigger balls or smaller balls?
@Mindy – please see the link in my post above to Luna Beads, or you can also click on the box for Babeland on my home page, which will give you a greater variety.
@Julie – As far as size goes with Ben Wa balls, it’s a little different than you would think when you want to strengthen your PC muscles as compared, to say, weights at the gym. When you are working with poor muscle tone in the PC muscle, you need to start off with LARGER balls that are lighter in weight and progress to smaller balls of heavier weight as you get stronger. This is because it is more difficult for the muscle to squeeze tightly around a smaller ball to keep it inside when the muscle is weak. Hope that is helpful for you.
I have just bought the fun factory single and double balls. How will I know when it’s time to progress to the double ball or to smaller Ben Wa balls?
With regard to knowing when to progress to the smaller Ben Wa balls, sometimes it is a matter of trial and error. When you insert the smaller ball, you should walk around to see how difficult it is to maintain inside the vagina. If it is not possible without a considerable amount of effort, you should still use the large one until you tone the PC muscle enough. Otherwise, you will not be comfortable using it during the day.
I want to stress again that wearing these at night is a waste of time. They need to be worn when a woman is up and moving around because that is the only way that the muscle will get sufficient stimulation for contraction.
I have a question. I begin using my Ben wa balls. I have two large ones, two medium, and two small. I am able to keep the small ones in and walk around just fine but noticed with my two really big ones one of the large will fall out while moving and so I can only keep one large in without making an effort. It just seemed backwards to me because I can keep the medium and smaller in with no effort at all.
@latavia – For you, it may just be a matter of size. If the two large balls together fill up the space in vagina, then the bottom one may get pushed out as you are moving around. The challenge is to squeeze the PC muscle to keep it inside, but it may just be too much volume for you. By contrast, the smaller ones may not be large enough to place this pressure on your PC muscles. This is especially true if they are the same weight or lighter than the larger ones. The small ones may not be heavy enough for you. This can happen if you buy different balls from different sets because the weights are not coordinated. Maybe check out the Je Joue Ami set through the Babeland site?
I just purchased the LELO Luna Beads to improve my vaginal tone and PC muscles – very excited to start using them! Any idea how long will it take for me to notice their effects? Weeks? Months? I imagine it would be similar to working out any other muscle in the body, just thought I’d ask.
@Katie – it varies from person to person and how often/long you use them. (I’m assuming that you are using them during the day). Usually, women notice in a few weeks. If you are not moving around much (sitting all day) then it will take longer.
What is the easiest way to get the ben wa balls out?
Most people find that if they are standing, they can use gravity to their advantage. If the Ben Wa balls you are using do not have strings that would allow you to take them out similar to a tampon, you will have to use your fingers. When you are standing, push down with your muscles while using your index finger to open the vagina and get ‘behind’ the ball. If it does not slide out on it’s own, you can pull it that way and cup your hand so that you can catch it rather than have it fall on the floor. Don’t forget to wash your hands.
I have had 2 kids and my vagina seems very relaxed. I can barely feel my husband when we have intercourse. I bought Luna Beads but can’t feel them either. I can hold the heavier ones in almost all day. Feeling discouraged.
@Tracy – The majority of sensation for the vagina is actually on the exterior tissues and muscles, not so much on the interior. A woman can usually sense pressure and stretching, which is decreased after childbirth. Perhaps you should be doing Kegel Exercises without any Ben Wa Balls as well so that you are contracting not just the exterior PC muscles, but also squeezing the interior muscles as well. This can be done by doing Kegels with an attempt to “pull up” on the muscles, and then also “pushing down” on the muscles.
I purchased the Luna set because while I’ve had both of my kids via c-section, I have experienced some stress incontinence over the last year (I’m 40). I can wear the light and the heavy weighted sets without them falling out: the light there is the “fullness” and the vibe sensation; the heavy I can feel pushing (gravity) and the vibe and can get quite aroused…with that being said, which are working my muscles more? Will the lighter ones still work if I wear them? As fun as it seems, I can’t walk around aroused all day!
@Billie – Certainly the light ones will work, but the heavier ones will cause your muscles to work harder. If you get too aroused and this is distracting, you may need to only wear them outside of activities where you really need to focus and be efficient (i.e. your job, etc). Only you can make that decision. Enjoy!
I had purchased ophoria k balls and wanted to know if these will work the same way? Also, will my partner notice a difference when i start using the k balls or ben wa balls? If yes, how long does it take for them to really start making a difference for it to be noticed?
@Heather. Yes, these will work the same way because they have the inner ball that creates vibration as you move. Your partner will notice a difference when you squeeze your PC muscles around him, but not necessarily at other times. Having stronger PC muscles can give you a more intense contraction during orgasm. The amount of time that it takes to notice a difference depends on your condition now and how often you wear them. Usually, Kegel exercises produce results in 4-6 weeks, but since wearing these is a little more passive, it could take longer. You may want to combine both.
I have been using Ben WA since I was 28, I’m 42 my ? Is how many is to many to insert..I can hold 4 of the gold weighted balls I just keep loosn them and having to replace them cause they fall in the n I forget I had them in till I hear that do I stop droppn them
I have used 3 types of Ben WA balls 2 were bigger plastic ones i had no problem with holding them in and found I didn’t even need to clench or use my pelvic floor muscles. I purchased some smaller stainless steel one that have some weight to them and they continually fall out within 2 minutes. i find if i put them in and move or clench my muscles like go from standing to sitting they come straight out. How do I train my vagina to hold them??
This is exactly what happens with increased weight and smaller diameter. By doing Kegel exercises to tighten the PC muscles, you will gradually be able to hold these in. Practice doing Kegels as I explain in this article – Kegels For Men and Women. The smaller balls falling out is an indication that your pelvic floor muscles need more conditioning.
I recently got married and my husband is BIG, but we were both vergins and hadnโt shared anything about our genetals. He said heโs been doing kegal exercises since he was 12 years old (10 years) and thought that bigger was better, so he never stopped; heโs 9 inches long and 8 inches in circumference. Needless to say, it hurts to have more than the first three inches inside because it stretches too much. Is there any way for me to become looser without just continuing to try to fit more and having it hurt each time?
P.S. weโve been married almost a month and still not any luck on it not hurting.
It can be a little difficult as you become accustomed to his size, especially the circumference. The most important thing for you to do is start sex slowly. You should control the rate of penetration by being on top of him and going very slowly as you breath slowly and relax your vaginal opening more with each breath. After he is inside of you, you should still wait a few minutes for the muscles to accommodate, then you can have sex. It is important that he be patient with you for this. As time passes, this will become easier for you. If you have intense pain or pain just touching the area, you should have a Gyn examine you.
Hi I want to purchase ben wa balls for my wife. She has had two normal deliveries. After searching about the balls on net I am now confused whether to buy her a single one like Smartballs Teneo Uno or to buy her LELO LUNA BEADS. Pls help. And also guide me as to which of these is better?
I am not familiar with the Smartballs, but they look very similar. The factors to consider are:
1. Does it have a smaller ball inside to create movement and vibration as she moves? This is important because it encourages a contraction of the pelvic floor each time there is a slight vibration from the inside ball moving as she moves.
2. Is it made of medical grade silicone? If not, move on.
3. Is the cord that remains outside the vagina going to be comfortable for her to wear during the day? Ideally it should be thin and smooth so that it does not irritate the labia when being worn.
Best Wishes.
i wonder if kegel exercises make vaginal muscles tight only at the entrance or the whole vaginal canal? i meam if when doing kegels, does the whole vaginal canal work?
Kegel exercises will primarily strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. These muscles are just at the opening of the vagina. The whole vaginal canal is muscular and does respond to sexual activity, but not the same way as the pelvic floor. To get the maximum out of your Kegel exercises, make sure to not just squeeze tight, but also try to “pull up” with those muscles.
I am new to ben wa balls, I just got mine yesterday, they’re the larger beginner size duotone balls. I’m trying to figure out the best way to get result from using these, I read an article that detailed 3 different exercises, a sitting exercise, one standing and one squatting each is supposed to be more challenging than the one before it with the squatting being the most difficult. From readng the previous articles I’m not sure if the sitting exercise will help me at all. Will squeezing my pc muscles while sitting be sufficient for a good workout?
Hi I have a posse inserted Cano I still insert theballs.which ones are best for a new be I haven’t ordered any yet I have a prolapse uterus also very weak muscles I just want them to help tighten my muscles iam 70 ur inputs will be appreciated thanks
If a person has a prolapsed uterus, you must check with your doctor before attempting to use Ben Wa balls. Most often, a pessary is used instead, and then exercises can be done when not using the pessary. This discussion must be had with the gynecologist first.
Also I like to sit with my feet up on my chaise, does this take away from the effectiveness of my exercises?
Hi Madeleine,
I am 22 years old and have never experienced an orgasm. I’m in a serious relationship and have been for 2+ years, and my boyfriend has tried and tried. II’ve tried masturbation: hands, vibrators, hitachi wand, and I can arouse myself and get “close”, but can never get over the edge. Do you think that I could benefit from Ben Wa balls and that they could help me achieve this unattainable orgasm?
I ordered Ben wa balls for the first time the other day and I just tried them and I kept them in no problem at all, both of them. They were 1.25″ in diameter and they were the plactic rocker balls. The first one stayed in no problem while I was jumping so I tried the second one too and did the same thing and I experienced some discomfort. Should I go to a smaller size or what? I’m really confused.
I put 2 small kegel balls in 2 days ago while doing housework. I did have to squeeze to hold them in. I have been doing kegel exercises several times daily in the last month prior to using the balls . Prior to that I have not had intercourse or any type of insertion for 6 months. Anyway…One came out and I cannot get the other one out. Can this give me an infection? Do I need to go to my doctor?
Callie, you don’t have to rush to the doctor just yet, but you can give it another try to take it out. The best position to do this is squatting (bathtub might be a good place to try) and then leaning back so that you are pushing your hips forward. Then with clean hands (and easier with short fingernails) use your finger to sweep the inside of your vagina and pull the ball out. You can also try bearing down a little while you do this to push it closer to the opening. Sometimes moving around like walking, dancing, or jumping can help move the ball to a different spot in the vagina. I think that it’s easier trying to remove it while squatting than while laying down because you have gravity on your side!
If you still can’t get it out after a couple of days, you may need the help of a partner or your doctor to remove it. It won’t directly give you an infection, but the vagina needs to be able to naturally flush out to stay healthy. This is why you should wash them when you remove them and again before you are going to insert them. If you continue to have difficulty with the loose ones, you can use some that are attached to strings (like a tampon) for easy removal.
Should u start of with luna beads first or the ben wa balls?
Kayley, whichever you decide to start with depends on how loose those muscles are. If you have just given birth, you would want larger and lighter balls. As your PC muscles get tighter, you can have heavier balls/weights that are a smaller diameter. The smaller ones are harder to keep in when your muscles are weak, so they are actually more advanced.
Hi Madeleine!
Thank you in advance for your time. Your archive has been very helpful, I have had plenty of questions eliminated by reading the thread, but if I happen to ask you something you’ve answered already, please forgive me.
I am a 19 year old girl who has been a bed wetter since about 8 years old. It’s a lot better now, I only wet the bed occasionally, but it doesn’t change the fact that I am almost 20 and am still having these problems. I urinate frequently and suffer from occasional incontinence. I also have endometriosis, which causes a lot of pelvic pain and excruciating periods I want to treat my bladder and my pain as well. Will tightening my muscles help my over active bladder and my pain? I also want to target being tight as well. I’ve never I’ve started with the 1″ stainless steel Ben wa balls. It doesn’t take much effort to keep them in, they only almost came out twice over an hour time period, so I feel like I’m not really exercising my muscles so I squeeze occasionally but is that necessary? The whole point of using the balls is not having to consciously work.
Should I increase the diameter?
Should I add more balls of the same or different size?
Should I get luna beads with the extra ball in the middle?
Would the three Ben wa balls on a string benefit?
If I am to increase size over time, is it possible to go over too much? Would going from 1″ to 2″ be too quick of a jump?
When I was lying down, I placed my finger in my vagina to see where the balls where placed and both 1″ balls were deep in my cervix. Should that be the case? Shouldn’t they be on top of each other, touching the vaginal walls therefor tightening the muscles?
I understand I have a lot of questions, I just want to address as many concerns as possible whilst working towards satisfying the sex life of myself and my partner.
Thank you again, so much for this information you will provide for me.
Vivian, First let me say that bed wetting that has been present since childhood usually does not point to a physical cause. Many times, there is difficulty of the sleeping brain to recognize that the bladder is full and wake you up in time. If you are urinating frequently with occasional incontinence now, your bladder muscles have probably “learned” to be twitchy, which means that they start contracting even when the bladder isn’t completely full. This can happen with certain triggers as you get conditioned to respond to certain situations (like the woman who has to go running to the bathroom the moment she gets home even if she ends up not urinating that much). It doesn’t seem to me that working the PC muscles will help this situation.
You mentioned wanting to have a satisfying sex life. Are you having difficulties with sex now? You are very young and there should be no reason why you have difficulty with PC muscles unless something else is going on. When women have endometriosis and pelvic pain, I advise them to eliminate things in their diet that can cause inflammation and may be driving some of these conditions. Having a gluten-free diet (no wheat, barley, rye) means no bread, pasta, crackers, cookies, muffins, pizza dough, etc. These products raise your blood sugar very quickly and promote inflammation in your body that can damage cells and result in things like endometriosis. Along with this, eliminate sugar from your diet wherever possible. The best way to do this is to stop eating things that are processed – only cook your own food that you buy fresh and make yourself with no shortcuts. Nothing that comes in a box, bag, can, bottle, jar, packet, etc. because they are all processed and probably have some sort of wheat product in it. Eliminate alcohol from your diet (if you drink) and watch the sugar content of things you drink. Also look to those things in your environment which could have estrogen effects on your body – plastic containers, air fresheners and perfumes, cleaning products, other cosmetics.
As far as the placement of the vaginal balls, they may move around and either be next to each other or on top of each other. This doesn’t matter so much because they are not working on the muscular walls of the vagina, they are working the pelvic floor muscles. Again, at 19 y/o there should be no concern about needing to tighten either vaginal muscles or PC muscles.
I was wondering why you mentioned age?
Surely all women have varying degrees of vaginal muscle and PC tone, could women of all ages not improve these?
I bought the egg balls and when I Stand up I can not get them to stay in, but when I lie down and get up they stay in. Am I working my muscles?
Gabrielle, you may not have them inserted past the PC muscles when you are standing, or your PC muscles are too relaxed after you insert them. Perhaps you are able to get the position more easily when you are reclining and then tense your PC muscles as you stand to keep them in. As you walk and move around, do they stay in? When the muscles are toned, they will not fall out, unless you are pushing. Also, you will not be working the PC muscles with vaginal balls/weights if you are laying down because they are not holding up the weight as they do when you are standing.
I tried everything, kegel exercise, creams, sprays, herbal sticks and this gel finally worked the best for me. I am very happy and my husband is happier!!
what jell?
do you have any recommendations for a skeptikal novice? would like to try thrm but font know where to begin.can they get lost in there and how do you get them out?
Sam – If you have any concern about being able to remove them, there are several different ones that already come with a string or loop attached so that you can pull it out (like a tampon string).
Hello..I have been using one of the small ben wa balls for over a month now to help tighten my vagina. I am seeing results but I am wondering should I start using both balls now? Will using both balls instead of one make my pc muscles tighter? I am confused…should I use 2 of the small balls now?
Hello, I have been using the small ben wa ball for over a month now. I am seeing results. However, I would like to know when should I start using the second ben wa balls? If I use 2 small ben wa balls will it make the pc muscles tighter. My fiance is coming home in April and I wanted my PC muscles to be tight as possible.
If you use the two vaginal balls together, it will add more weight when you are standing which makes the muscles work a little harder. It’s also possible to tighten these muscles by doing Kegel exercises. You can check out this post that explains how to do them. To balance out exercising the PC muscles and to help create the proper tension in this muscle group, I also recommend doing squats at other times in order to strengthen the muscles that pull back the sacrum of the pelvis.
Hi Madeline –
My balls are similar to the ones pictured. I have what looks to be the same size as well as a smaller pair. When wearing they stay in without effort. Makes me wonder if I’m benefiting. Do I have to do kegals while wearing them? Also they seem to sit low from the weight, I’m worried that instead of tightening the muscles that that area is being stretched, is that possible?
Shunta – the muscles are working when they are holding up the vaginal balls and they are not falling out. They will sit low because of gravity, but that is how they work. If you are sitting or laying down, they are not really working your muscles at all. Ben Wa balls are not usually heavy enough to be stretching your muscles – if they were, they would fall out instead.
If never used benwallballs but win my bf and I have sex I can really feel it a hole lot and I want to make everything tighter what’s the best thing to use to make it tighter Cruz he likes anal Cruz its tight
I just had a baby, but I noticed before hand that I was “loose”. I try to do kegal exercises but I do not think they are working. Do you have any suggestions on what I should use to tone the PC muscles? I’ve done many tests to find my pc muscles, but when I squeeze with a finger inside, I cannot tighten those muscles. I am embarrassed and just want t fix this problem. Also, I noticed that the walls are pretty wide.
After childbirth, it can be a little challenging to do Kegels. There is a device called Intensity which uses a small electrical stimulation to give a rhythmic contraction of the pelvic floor muscles – like doing Kegels automatically. You might want to look into it.
Hi Madeleine
I recently had an iud inserted and the doctor told me that my uterus was beginning to drop due to weak pelvic muscles and that I needed to do kegal exercises. She told me I needed to do 10-20 sets of 10 -15 Kegals per day. Well that is basically all day and lasted about 2 days. I was wondering if the Luna beads would help me remember and if so 2 questions. One can they be used with an iud? The iud is recent and I have a lot of irregular bleeding and spotting. Nothing that requires a tampon but several days of wearing a panty liner between cycles. So my second question is can the Luna beads be used during menstral cycles and spotting as its my understanding that this irregularity can last 3-6 months before straightening out?
Thank you in advance for your time and response.
Whenever women use Ben Wa Balls or similar “beads”, “eggs”, or other vaginal weights, they are not doing as much exercise of their pelvic floor muscles as directly doing Kegels. Directly squeezing these muscles is the best way to strengthen them and wearing balls or beads will only induce a small contraction. Although it does strengthen the muscles, it doesn’t match the amount of improvement that you can get with Kegels. It would be like comparing carrying a light purse with your arm bent as opposed to doing dumbbells for 3 sets of 10 repetitions per day to work your biceps. Maybe if you have a routine, you could remember to do your Kegels. I recommend that women do them first thing in the morning – even before they get out of bed! Maybe you could put a little reminder on your nightstand or your alarm clock so that you remember?
hey I purchased stainless steel kegal balls, 3/4th of an ounce… I put them in and feel nothing at all and when I try to flex, I still feel nothing… does that mean my v is loose? do I need heavyer or lighter balls? is this normal
If your muscles were too loose, they would slide out (I assume that you are standing when you do this?). It could mean that you need heavier ones.
Hi i just turned 30. Never had kids before. i noticed that when i sitck 1 finger into my vagina i can feel the tightness from front to back like i can fell the v walls grabbing onto my finger but not from left to right and seems looser as in theres space it wasnt like this years ago. What kind of excercise should i do? I have the lelo duo balls….
plz help. thanks
Please check out my article on Kegels here.
In this article and responses to questions, you have mentioned the Luna beads quite often. I am wondering if that is because you have found them to be the best option? I have a set of fun love beads which are similar but I find they are a bit to long and are uncomfortable at first. So I want to try something new. The Jade Eggs intrigue me, the intention is that you can do different exercises with them and eventually even use them to do vaginal weight lifting. The luna beads and jade eggs are (in my opinion) pricey so I don’t want to buy both but I cant really find any comparison on different types of vaginal exercisers/weights. Hoping you can shed some light on the topic. Thanks in advance!
I do not have a preference of one weight over another. I think that the most important consideration after weight and diameter is material. You want to make sure that you have a good material that does not react with the body and is easy to clean and not porous (so bacteria, yeast, and viruses can’t grow on it). Some materials that work are stainless steel, glass, medical-grade silicone, hard plastic (but difficult because you don’t want any seams). I cannot comment about jade eggs because there can be quite a bit of variability in the material used. Some jade is impregnated with polymer resin, and other jade is exposed to bleaches or acids in processing. It is also unclear if they would be leaching chemicals or minerals into your system. I just don’t know how you could reliably test that on an individual level.
ETA: I forgot to mention the ‘smart balls’ like the Lelo Luna Smart Bead.
Hi Madeleine
I bought LโAmourโข Premium Weighted Pleasure System and after am using it my womb hurts so I wonder if ist the wrong product or am using it the wrong way or my muscles are contracting?
I’m not sure what you are experiencing since you say your “womb”. Do you mean your uterus? Regardless, if you have pain, you should stop using them right away. Perhaps you should be evaluated for pelvic floor dysfunction?
What’s the maximum number of balls that can be inside the vagina?
You want there to be some ability for them to move and the vagina is only about 3.5-4 inches long, so don’t stuff a bunch up there. One or two should be fine.
Hello – I recently purchased balls to help with Kegel exercises after my BF complained I feel loose ๐ I have never had children and am 40 yet apparently I am lose down there. I put the ball in and it just slips out. I can do Kegels however does feel like I don’t have much strength down there and I need to concentrate to get through a few Kegels. I used to run and stay pretty fit however these last few years it seems I sit at a desk more than anything else. I’m wondering about advice with keeping this ball in place and also wonder if placing it inside me while I work at my desk will help while I do kegels randomly throughout the day. Any suggestions are appreciated – I will keep reading through the posts here, too. Feeling pretty discouraged by all of this :/ Thank you
If you are worrying about them slipping out at work, that may be a tad too distracting. Sounds like you would benefit from some strengthening apart from using the vaginal balls. They are only really working when you are standing or walking anyway. They cannot exercise your muscles when you are sitting.
Some women find that they just can’t get Kegels done or they can’t get a good contraction. There is a device called Intensity that helps women exercise these muscles with a gently electric pulse. It helps automatically contract those pelvic floor muscles, but also provides the option of using vibration while you exercise – both pleasure and function!
I just started using ben wah balls although my boyfriend insists i dont need them. The ones i have are Black Rose with a .9″ diameter. They are solid weighted but i dont feel them moving around inside, unless i forget about them and relax and one slips down. As a reflex i keigel to catch it but that only pushes it the rest of the way out! Should I be constantly tensed to keep them in? Or should I try a larger size?
If it slips out it means that your resting tone is a little loose. The whole point of wearing them is that you are forced to tense the muscles to keep them in and this works the muscles to tone them up. If you are weaker, you would need a larger size or a lighter weight. You could also try to do Kegel exercises which I describe in my article here.
Ben Wa balls work. I use the small metal ones about twice a week for 20 minutes. I use to use them everyday but I found twice a week more effective with normal kegel exercises on other days. Let’s just say within a year I’ve gone from being single and considering surgery (thank goodness my gynaecologist discouraged me)…to having a boyfriend with a below average penis who complains about me being tight and having pain after sex. It feels good to be confident in my lady parts again. And I know my boyfriend loves it most of the time it’s cool for him not having a women complain about his size. And I’m happy because I feel him a lot , sex feels so good. I recommend Ben Wa balls any day. The small metal ones are the best.
I am 24 and have never had children. I recently purchased Adam and Eve Ben Wa Balls 1inch diameter. The box does not say how much they weigh. When I put them in I do not feel them. When I do Kegels when they are in I still do not feel them. I read in an earlier comment that unless they have the second weight inside that you would not. However, I want to make sure that I got the right size and weight. What would you recommend for my age? Since I have not had kids would you recommend heavy and small (1-1.5 inch).
Thank you!
Monica – if the balls are solid, you might not “feel them” at all. When the ball has a second, smaller ball inside it, it moves around as you do producing a vibrating sensation. Usually any Ben Wa type balls are not heavy enough to use for good pelvic floor exercises, but may give some passive contractions as you walk and move. They can, however, be a gauge as to whether you have good tone of the pelvic floor if they don’t fall out.
I bought Ben Wa balls today to help with strengthening my PC muscles. I’m 24 and I’ve had 2 kids. My second child was over 3 years ago. I have done kegels occasionally but not on a daily basis. I’m going to start doing them daily as well as the Ben Wa balls. I got smaller metal balls that are weighted, I can stand and put them in, and keep them in for about 5 minutes but then I feel them slowly slide out one at a time. Is this normal? I saw that you mentioned that they’re not supposed to come out on their own so maybe i got balls that are two small and should try the silicone ones. Until I get the silicone ones, will these smaller onees still work? Even though I can’t keep them in for long, am I wasting my time using them? or should I just keep at it and eventually I will be able to keep them in longer?
If the balls slide out, it means that your pelvic floor muscles are not holding them in. This means that you could tighten them more by exercising. Ben Wa balls are quite popular, but they don’t provide as much exercise as doing pelvic floor exercises with vaginal weights. I recommend doing a full set of pelvic floor exercises every morning or each time you are in the shower. This way you will remember to do them.
I just purchased the Lelo Luna Beads and use both blue balls and I do not feel them inside me, are they working even though I can’t feel any vibration?
Thank You
You will only feel them if you are moving. For this reason, I recommend that women wear them when they will be walking or moving around. Because of this, you need to test if you can keep them in before leaving the house into a public space where it might not be so convenient if they slipped out.
I had a hysterectomy a few years ago and since then my vaginal walls aren’t as tight as they once were. I’ve tried Kegel’s to increase tone but wondered since I no longer have a cervix can I still use the balls or beads, etc? My fear is that they will travel somewhere that would require surgery to be removed.
Stacy – when a hysterectomy is performed, the top of the vagina is stitched together so that it is not open to the abdomen. This means that anything inserted could not really get lost because it is a closed space.
Can you use the Ben wal balls if you have an IUD?
Erin – Sure! An IUD is placed in the uterus which is past the cervix so it cannot fall out. Ben Wa balls or other vaginal weights only go as far as the vaginal space and can’t get past the cervix up into the uterus.
I suffer with dyspareunia. The pain comes from the back of my vagina I was thinking the inside may need to be stretched out. Is that possible? I recently bought the Luna Beads from Lelo. They feel good when they are jiggling inside, but are they helping with the inside muscles that are the source of the pain?
It’s not really clear where you feel the pain, and I can only give you general information – not personal advice. I can tell you, however, that if what you are having is pain with deep penetration, you may have endometriosis. Vaginal weights or Ben Wa balls will not help with that. You would have to go to your gyn and be examined to determine if you do have endometriosis. I always recommend an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle (gluten-free, dairy-free, limit sugar and carbs, limit alcohol).
Okay I have ben wa balls and an iud, have used them a few times before, but this time was different, is there any way the ball could mess with my iud when I pulled them out I noticed blood, but only a little so I washed off and checked my iud, in whitch it doesnt feel normal to me I am in no pain nor bleeding any longer… should I worry??? Why was there blood???
Jess, the ben wa balls should not disturb the IUD at all. If you have some blood (esp. bright red blood rather than brown spotting), you should have your gyn examine you and make sure everything is okay. When you take out the balls, you should place gentle downward pressure and relax your pelvic floor muscles, preferably in a squat position. You don’t want to disturb the string of the IUD.
I just started using the 2ed pink lelo ball,they stay in but I can feel the 2ed one right at the opening,it this ok?
Linda, if you are standing, then gravity will pull the balls downward and you may feel the second one close to the opening. As you strengthen your PC muscles, they should be able to hold the weight of the balls all the way inside. There is also a possibility that the vaginal space may be a little small for both of them, which is the case with some women. You can tell if you still feel it at the opening when you lay flat on your back. If this is the case, you may want smaller diameter balls or just use one at a time.
Hi, I’m really petite (5’0) and was just wondering if that could be the reason why I feel the second really near the opening… i mean I can move it up with my , but I feel some pressure and it tends to drop just a little bit… Close to the opening, even though it doesn’t actually fall out. How can I know if it’s due to lack of muscle tone or if I’m just too for to correctly?
Your questions depends on the size of Ben Wa balls you are using. Good pelvic floor tone will keep both balls inside past the pelvic floor muscle layer.
You mentioned in a previous comment that there would be no need to use them at a young age. I’m 20 and have no kids, but I feel like I want more friction during intercourse. Do some Women just have naturally weaker PC muscles due to exerices and Genetics? And would these exercises help me in doing that?
Usually younger women have more lubrication, so they don’t feel as much friction. You can definitely strengthen them so that you have control over how much you can contract them. Remember, it just squeezes the outside muscles – the ones at the entrance to the vagina.
Thanks for the reply.
Do they also strengthen the vaginal muscles themselves, the ones that hold a tampon in?
Sex hurt a lot more after using a uno smartball. Sex is mostly fine except a few positions. And yes i took the ball out.
Do you mean that you took it out before having sex, or after having sex with it and experiencing pain? They are not meant to be used during sex, only by themselves. If you had pain with it by itself, it could be that you either didn’t insert it all the way or you may have some pelvic floor dysfunction. Make sure that you are not putting more than what is recommended.
umm so i are you soposto leave them in like all day? i mean wont that make the inside of your vagina loose and roomy because it will grow use to them being in there? like if u have sex with a big penis how it loosens you up?????
Kara – Ben Wa balls are not usually big enough to stretch the vagina. They can be used during the day when you are active because the vibration from movement induces the pelvic floor muscles to contract just a little.
Hello, i am 24 and would like to start using ben wa balls and love balls to strenghten my pc muscles. I have been overweight in the past and my boyfriend says he doesnt feel me so good at some times. I purchased benwa balls and funfactories smart balls for excercise.. the ff smartballs seem a bit big though… i am scarred they will stretch me if i use them on a regular basis. Can i still use them even though i didnt have any delivery or would you recommend me to buy loveballs with a smaller diameter and heavier ?
Thank you so much for you response in advance
Sandy – you may actually want to try doing some Kegel exercises instead of using vaginal weights. You can read about Kegels in this post.
As a younger woman (20) is there any chance my Vagina might be big/loose or lack muscle tone? and would these exercises help?
Hannah – unless a woman is inserting exceeding large objects into her vagina, the chances that a young woman of 20 y/o would have a loose vagina is slim to none. Exercises such as pelvic floor exercises may help her to identify those muscles and have better control of them during sexual intercourse, but that is different than worrying if she isn’t tight enough.
I was just reading that different women have thicker/thinner muscles down their. Could it not be some young women have less muscle tone than others, making it feel not tight enough?
Would you suggest that as a young woman these exercises are not needed, or may it be that some of us have ‘naturally’ larger vaginas?
Hannah, there are some women who have slighter longer (deeper) vaginas than others. But the muscles that are tightened with these exercises are at the opening of the vagina. There could be instances where a young woman has weak pelvic floor muscles – like being very overweight for a long time, having been pregnant and delivered a child, being very sedentary so that you don’t exercise much. Obviously, exercising the pelvic floor brings benefits to your sex life and your orgasms. I just get the impression that women are often made to feel “broken” by partners who don’t know any better or are used to masturbating with such a tight grip on their penis that they can’t get the same feeling from intercourse and then complain. It really pisses me off when women are made to feel anxious about their bodies when there is nothing wrong with them.
Hey !
I’m hoping ill get a response, as seeing most of these comments are from years ago, but some are recent !
So here goes nothing, I bought my first pair of “Ben Wah Balls” today, and I was comfortable with wearing the first ball, I got two balls in the set, so what i’m asking here is if I can insert two balls at the same time?
Lisa – Yes, absolutely! They are meant to be worn when you are doing activities when you will be moving around. The slight motion of the balls encourages your muscles to squeeze in order to hold them inside. This will gradually work your pelvic floor muscles and, to a much smaller extent the vaginal muscles as well.
Hi there I bought LELO luna balls and used the two smallest blue ones. they kept sliding out and within 1/2 hour my bone around the V inside entrance was hurting and continued too for 3 days like i was bruised. Then i bought the smaller black LELO balls same problem. Bought some Key by Jopen Stella II which had no strap and they same thing happened. Next bought the fun Factory single Uno as they said it was a good beginnerโs ball well that is slipping out and I feel it pinching around the V inside entrance which is a slight different reaction to the others that bruised me. So am I so ruined inside nothing will help me. I push it in deep but it falls down to the entrance. I cant feel it inside even though it is the biggest I have used I feel it sitting at my V entrance trying to get out though as its pinching. (sad face)
Tamara – I think that instead of using any balls or vaginal weights, you might be better off just doing pelvic floor exercises. I have a post here that describes how to do them.
Hi, I have just purchased Luna beads, hoping that they will assist me with my pelvic muscles. I mainly noticed that I can no longer stop the flow of urine in mid stream. Try as I like it just keeps on. I do a lot of heavy lifting at work 20-30 kg bags. I don’t want to have surgery and want to try and see if this will work. I cannot use two beads as the crown beads stays in but the second bead pops out. One bead pink or blue will stay in. I do do pelvic floor exercise as well. Do you think the Luna beads will help, and am I doing it right using just one bead to start with. I can walk around with one bead but two is impossible. Thank you for your help I have read previous posted and answers.
Glenda – First let me congratulate you for being proactive in your sexual health! Heavy lifting for long periods can certainly affect your pelvic floor, especially if you are bearing down or holding your breath when you do it. Any vaginal balls that are worn daily work in a more subtle and passive way. Pelvic floor exercises are much more direct and will get you quicker results. You can read this post about pelvic floor exercises.
Hi. I’m feeling a bit confused and wanted to clarify few things and ask few questions ๐ when you say ben wa balls you mean balls that don’t slide down such as luna beads and when you say vaginal weights you mean smaller metal balls that provide active exercise? I’ve heard first kind is better cause random muscle work during day is more natural than keeping them tense all the time (which heavy small balls enforce) would you agree? I got smaller heavier luna beads not because I felt loose but because I don’t think I am sensitive enough (even loosing virginity was pain free for me) and don’t have that much pleasure out of sex (never had vaginal orgasm) and was hoping exercising will improve blood flow and sensitivity. Do you think it is achievable? If so, which kind of balls would work better? If small heavy ones, do you recommend any brand? I am planning to have first kids in few years too and know kegel exercises are important, again, which type is best for that? (Which balls kind or better without balls). Last thing, I wear 2 luna beads balls, they don’t slide down at all. When I put them in I can feel them vibrating when walking etc but after some time I can’t feel any vibrations anymore (unless doing very sudden movements like jumping) I think they are moving further inside and that’s when I stop feeling them. Is that normal and are they still working? I can never actually feel any muscle work I’m assuming that is normal? Thanks! ๐
Gabi – the muscle contractions from using Ben Wa balls is very subtle, so you won’t usually feel it. You will feel the vibration if you are using balls that have another one inside so that they move when you move. Ben Wa balls are used to describe loose balls (without a sling to pull them back out), but they fall into the category of vaginal weights because they have to be held in place by the muscle tone of the pelvic floor muscles. There are heavier vaginal weights and combination internal/external weights that work the pelvic floor more actively like barbells or combo weights where some hang outside the vagina and are “lifted” doing pelvic floor exercises.
Most women don’t have vaginal orgasms unless they have learned to pair internal stimulation of certain areas with pleasure and eventually orgasm. This means that most orgasms women have are due to stimulation of the clitoris. Also, the majority of pleasure during penetration for many women is at the entrance of the vagina, where there is pressure against her erectile tissue. Learning to pay attention to the sensation of the vaginal balls (Luna beads is just one more variation) may help you learn to notice sensations during penetration, but the inner part of the vagina has few nerve endings and mostly just senses pressure. I hope this helps.
I’ve done kegels, but I wanted to do more, so I bought some toner balls for this purpose, labeled for beginners the balls weigh 78g and have a 4.5 inch girth and 7 inch insertable length. I found I could barely fit half in, I used a ton of lube, but nothing, and took me no-word-of-a-lie 30 stress filled minutes to get out. This was over a year ago, and yes it put me off.
However I feel that this is just me? – perhaps I was using the wrong product? I’ve never had children, so perhaps smaller is better?
I’ve had surgery on my cervix years ago, and resulted in seeing a therapist to help with tone and strength. Is this something I should avoid or am I going about it all wrong? Please help.
B x
Not sure what “toner balls” you got. These sound crazy big – possibly not for vaginal use? You don’t need to have something this size to do exercises effectively. Actually, the stronger your muscles, the smaller diameter you can use because you have more strength and control to be able to hold a skinnier object inside the vagina. It also doesn’t need to be very long because the muscles you are toning are right at the opening. Also, cervical procedures shouldn’t really affect the pelvic floor. I think that Njoy makes a great G spot toy that can double as a pelvic floor exerciser. You should be careful though – it’s deceivingly heavy and if you start out with the smaller end, you might find it slips out and you could risk breaking a toe!
Hi, I’m a girl that only have 4 sexual experiences. The first time was pretty painful and the rest three was not hurting but I don’t feel much while we did it. I just bought luna kegel balls mini cuz I found out that I have stress incontinence only while I sneeze and jump with both feet, which is kinda annoying. Base on two above self-observation, I suspect that I might have a loose PV muscle, so I decided to use kegel balls to help with my incontinence and also higher the proprioception/sensation of my PV muscles. However, I found it quite painful when putting the balls into and pulling them out of my vagina. I didn’t feel much of them after they are in my body tho. I’m a bit confused about my body now.. should I feel pain when I put them in/pull them out? Why I can’t feel the balls when they are in the vagina?
Do I have a okay-tight or loose vagina? Should I keep using the kegel balls?
Sonia – I don’t know what you mean by “girl”, but some of the things you are describing go along with pelvic floor dysfunction. Pain with sex, incontinence, areas of no sensation, etc. may indicate the muscles of the pelvic floor being in different states of weakness and spasm. Of course, I can only give general information, so you must check with your doctor and talk about it with them. Whenever there may be any pelvic floor problems, always check with your doctor before doing pelvic floor exercises, especially if you use Ben Wa balls or Kegel weights, because exercises can make pelvic floor dysfunction worse if not coordinated.
Sorry I’m a 29 year old woman, not a girl. I tried the kegel balls yesterday again. It was less painful.. maybe it takes time to get used to? While I was walking normally, the balls fitted in okay but they dropped when I did some bigger movements with music ( i.e. swinging, jumping, fast stepping and skipping..etc). Does this indicate that I have a weak PC muscle? Any general suggestion? Truly appreciate your reply and information!
Sorry again, I use two lighter balls today, I noticed that one of balls slid off when I walked for more than 4 min but it is still within the vulva and the other one is still in the vagina. What does this mean? Thank you.
I just bought the electrastim kegal balls and its suppose to tighten your vaginal walls with each shock level. They are uncomfortable whenever inserted or taken out… Is there a risk involved with me “electrocuting” or “shocking” my vagina to become tighter??.. No, I do not have a history of health problems.
I had a hysterectomy at24. I’m now 50 and have a great sex life. I do kegal exercises all the time but would like to try Ben Wa balls. Is it ok to do so after surgery? Thank you
Dawnel – it’s fine to use them after having a hysterectomy. The Kegel exercises will strengthen you more than the Ben Wa balls, but some people like them because they just feel nice!
Can Ben Wa balls cause problems? Can you overdo it? I am 51, and my problem is that I leak a little urine when I get really nervous. I got a 1″ steel set, inserted, left them in for a couple hours, no issues. Then I. Leaked urine every time I stood up for a week. It is getting better, but it scared me. What did I do wrong? Thanks for your help.
Mary – Ben Wa Balls should not cause an increase in leakage of urine, but they can cause you to sense your pelvic floor in a different way. Only a couple of hours should not exhaust you. If you are leaking urine, perhaps you should do actual pelvic floor exercises to get that tone back more quickly than you can with Ben Wa Balls. Check out this article on Kegels.
hi there,
I am 20 years old and have been with my first partner for almost a year and a half, which is about the amount of time I’ve been having continuous sex… i don’t feel anywhere near as tight as i used to, sometimes i can barely feel anything when we have sex,
i have been looking into using these balls and researching the topic and seems like at my age i shouldn’t be having these issues!
just wondering if you have some insight into what could be going on?
I’ve also been having other vaginal health related issues over this time, maybe it could be related?
he can go right in without any foreplay, and this doesn’t seem normal ๐
Rose – Can’t really tell you what might be happening, but regular sexual activity shouldn’t change your sensation that much. It sounds like you should speak with your Gyn and go for an examination to discuss what you are feeling/not feeling.
Why should we use Ben Wa Balls? Is it only for sexual pleasure or may be use for another purpose?
Exactly why I wrote this article.
Hi! Thank you for your article and responses to everyones questions. My situation is a little odd. I have always been very tight. I only know this from guys and boyfriends whom told me I felt the tightest of anyone. Not just being “sweet” in the bedroom but actual conversations after because I was so tight. It has never been an issue. Now, I am dating a guy who turns me on more than anyone and I am more wet than I have ever been, making me not feel so tight. He admitted it didn’t feel tight as well. I google all I could and found vaginal tenting and understood why I seem loose with him. I felt up inside when I was aroused and it felt tight entering and then a hollow hole. I bought the 50 shades ben wa balls. The string has 2 balls each 1 inch wide and are very heavy, it says combined weight of 221g. I thought for sure they would fall right out or be super hard to keep in but they weren’t. I didn’t have to squeeze to keep them in either. It was easy! So now I’m just confused what to do/what my problem is! I’m so embarrassed because this guy is the love of my life (he doesn’t know that yet) and I hate having this problem. I wore the balls when aroused as well to see what happened and it seemed easy still to hold in. Maybe I should stand up and do this? Any help would be so appreciated! Thank you!
If you are having tightness at the opening, Ben Wa balls may not be helpful. Some women have some tightness of their pelvic floor muscles already, which can cause difficulty with intercourse. (See this post). Otherwise, everything else sounds normal – more lubrication means more arousal and less anxiety, which can improve the tightness. If someone is already too tight, they should not use Ben Wa balls and should probably speak with either their gynecologist for an exam or sex therapist about vaginismus.
I’m confused. I’ve never had a problem with being too tight or had any difficulty. I’ve never had any pain. I just meant I have always felt tight during intercourse in general, in a good way. But now, with this new guy, I have tightness at the opening, but higher up it doesn’t feel that way. How does more lubrication improve tightness? It has been about 2 months since we started having sex and I still don’t feel tight with him. Thank you!!
Hello Doctor,
I’m a 24 year old virgin. I’ve never even been fingered, but I’d really like to try ben wa balls. I’ve used tampons since I first started my period, so I’ve had something up there. Will ben wa balls ‘damage’ or stretch my hymen?
Allison – If you are already using tampons, you may not have hymen tissue to stretch. The question is, do you want to use Ben Wa balls for pleasure as they vibrate when you move, or are you trying to work on the pelvic floor?
Sorry for the delay in response. Never saw a notification. It’s to work on the pelvic floor.
The pelvic floor muscles can be strengthened without inserting anything into your vagina (so won’t disturb your hymen if you have one). Kegel exercises can be done alone – without any “props.”
I bought Luna classic. Problem is that they don’t go in straight. I get the first ball in and when I push the second one in the beads bend like a hook inside me. Is this normal?
Because of the sling that holds them, it will naturally bend until the balls are right next to each other inside. This is normal.
Hi, I got the Laselle Intimina kegel exerises ball that is 1.3 ounces and “moderate resistance.” The ball is made of silicone and is about 1.25 inches wide, with a little ball inside of it that moves around.
You kind of addressed my question before, but I have a more specific question. I’ve never had problems with a loose vagina and I’m actually on the smaller side. After not having sex for a few years it took a little while for it to stretch out and feel comfortable. Anyways, when I tried squeezing my kegel muscles before with my boyfriend I found he really liked it. I haven’t seen him for a few months and wanted to increase my kegel strength before I see him next month. I can insert the ball easily enough, but I feel it when it’s inside. It’s not uncomfortable really, but I can feel the resistance ball pressing on the insides of my vagina. I clench against the resistance for the exercise, but it stays in completely on its own and presses firmly (but not uncomfortably) against the sides of my vagina. As I’m already on the tighter side, does this mean the ball is stretching me out? I want to strengthen my kegels, so that I can increase my partner’s enjoyment while also increase the possibility I might someday organism from penetration. However, I’m worried that if the resistance is pressing firmly against the inside walls of my vagina and putting pressure on it, I’m actually stretching it out, even if I’m simultaneously strengthening the muscles. I do want to increase my muscle strength, but not at the cost of stretching the inside of my vagina.
Should I keep using the ball? Could it be stretching me out?
Thank you!
The balls are probably not large enough to stretch your vaginal walls too much. Your partner’s erection is probably large than that, plus those walls are muscular – so they stretch and come back to shape. The part that does the real squeezing is really the pelvic floor muscles which are the ones you squeeze when you stop your urine flow as well as squeeze during orgasm. A person should not have to be concerned that the kegel balls will stretch them out.
Once I was having sex with my boyfriend and it was the first time I had sex. I had tickling sensation. Does is feel same to you. I felt good it hurtled.
How does it feel while having sex
Hey there,
I’m a 25yo virgin (waiting to fall in love!) but I don’t care about my hymen being intact or anything. I really think I need to work on my pelvic floor, I already have vagina farts (is there a classier word? I can’t believe I’m writing this!) sitting up or down, I am too embarrassed to even try yoga classes and stuff like this because of that particular problem. And all this, I repeat, being a virgin! This doesn’t bode well for my future sex life, does it? Do you think ben wa balls could help out? I also hope they could help with my ever so fading libido… gosh I may never have sex with the way this is going!
Thanks for any advice, help, idea, you could give me!
If you are a virgin, you should have an exam with a gynecologist to find out if your uterus is retroverted possibly causing these difficulties, and if your pelvic floor has any hypertonicity or hypotonicity that could also be resulting in this. Sometimes, there are areas of hypertonicity on one side and hypotonicity on the other. Until your pelvic floor has been deemed healthy, you should not start pelvic floor exercises.
Hello Allison,
I have been using lelo Luna beads the pink color set for the last 3 days
I seem not to hold urine at all while wearing them are they making my Pc muscle loose than tighter
Hello I meant to ask the Doctor not Allison sorry about that.
Please let me know if it’s normal to leak urine whilst wearing the balls it’s happened to me since I started wearing the balls is kinda worse what am I not doing right should I get smaller balls should I start with one ball should I quit
Please help
I’m kinda confused about the Ben wa balls I just got. They stay in, but I don’t really feel anything. To me it’s like a tampon (I have glass balls with a string). I don’t feel like my muscles are really being engaged. Do I need more weight or bigger balls? Mine are probably the diameter of a quarter.
Ben Wa balls can be either static weights that must be held by pelvic floor tone, or they can have a ball with a smaller one inside that shakes as a person moves. This will create the sensation of vibration during movement. The static weights will not create that sensation.
I’m wondering, can ben wa help with painful cramps, or have the opposite effect? I’ve suffered from debilitating cramps and would like to try anything to help me be able to live my life.
Also, are all brands created equal? Theres a “starter pack” on amazon much cheaper then the Lelo Luna beads I would like to try (poor college student)
Thanks for answer in advance. It will help greatly.
Painful cramps are not likely due to any laxity of pelvic floor muscles, so Ben Wa balls would not really help or hurt menstrual cramps. If you do have such debilitating cramps, you should look for other causes – stress, inflammation, endometriosis, PCOS, excess copper, estrogen dominance, endocrine disruptors in the environment.