What is Squirting, Really?

If you were to ask most people to describe female ejaculation, they would probably describe what is most often seen in porn and adult magazines—a gush of fluid from a woman’s vulva at the point of (real or enacted) orgasm. It’s been elevated to the point of a mystical phenomenon that allegedly intensifies the experience of orgasm for women and is seen by men as not just proof of pleasure, but also as proof of orgasm. But what is really happening here?
Squirting has become the big sexual fad over the last twenty years.
This gush is referred to as squirting and it is presented as a dramatic orgasmic response that is sometimes touted as a higher form of orgasm—something that women “should” strive to have or would make their orgasm more intense. There are countless men trying to figure out how to make their female partners squirt and even classes for women who want to learn how to squirt. But what are these women really learning? If you look closely at what is taught you will see significant pressure to the area of the G-Spot that overlies the erectile tissue and glands of the urethra, as well as lessons in coordinating release of the pelvic floor muscles while bearing down. These actions together flatten out the angle between the urethra and the bladder, making it much more difficult for a woman to keep urine in her bladder.
Is squirting the same thing as female ejaculation?
Along with the mystery and fantasy about squirting is the debate as to whether it’s the same thing as female ejaculation or whether it’s really urine. But there is significant scientific proof that the origin of the fluid is actually the bladder and that the chemical composition is that of urine. Basically, it’s pee. Women who experience squirting are simply learning to release one set of muscles while contracting the bladder so they can release urine during orgasm. And it isn’t even always correlated with orgasm. So why the confusion? Is there really such a thing as female ejaculation?
Female ejaculation looks a lot like male ejaculation without the sperm.
True female ejaculation is a small amount of thick fluid secreted around the time of orgasm for most women. It originates in the glands found within the erectile tissue surrounding the urethra that are analogous to the prostate in men, and it even has PSA (prostate-specific antigen) in it. During the activity of sexual intercourse or stimulation, this female ejaculate can get mixed with vaginal fluids and lubrication as well as any semen or male pre-ejaculatory fluid that might be present in lovemaking. This makes it much more difficult to identify in a real-life situation.
In the lab, however, it can be tested more carefully. Urine that gushes out during squirting passes through the urethra and can pick up some fluid secreted from the periurethral glands, which is why it often is found to have PSA. But that doesn’t mean it’s not urine. It has been confirmed both by chemical analysis and by ultrasound that the fluid that comes out during squirting is urine from the bladder. Female ejaculation doesn’t have any of the urea, creatinine, or uric acid found in urine. Check out this study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
What if I like squirting?
By no means am I telling women that what they are doing is wrong or that they should stop. There are several reasons why squirting might be a pleasurable experience for women. First, the passage of urine through the urethra can cause a tingling rush if the urethral erectile tissue is full of blood because the urethra is full of very sensitive nerve endings. Next, women may have a sense of getting completely lost in their orgasm and squirting may be their way of experiencing that surrender. If they enjoy themselves, then it’s adding to their sexual experience.
For some women, however, the practice of squirting may make it more difficult to hold their urine during lovemaking or even at other times. Some find it distracting, and others don’t like to have to clean it up. It’s also okay for a woman to dislike squirting when she orgasms—not everyone has the same tastes. The truth is that if women like it, they call it squirting, and when they don’t like it, it’s called coital incontinence.
What I don’t agree with is the pressure that both women and men feel to have the experience of squirting be part of their sexual encounter. When viewed this way, the focus becomes a goal to accomplish during sex rather than a focus on sexual pleasure. Everyone needs to decide for themselves what works best for them and what brings them joy. I do believe, however, that people should have all the information so that they can make the best decision for themselves both in the moment and in the long-run.
Dr. Castellanos is a psychiatrist specializing in sex therapy for over 25 years, including treatment with bio-identical hormones, and functional medicine consultations. You can follow her on Instagram at thesexmd, Facebook at The Sex MD, and X at @DrCastellanos.
Dear Madeleine,
What really confuses me about squirting is if it’s pee, does that mean all women can force themselves to pee on command? No species can force themselves to release waste, that would be dangerous.
After what I’ve read (including pieces from the Scientific Journal from earlier years like one by Gary Schubach, Ed.D http://www.ejhs.org/volume4/Schubach/abstract.html) it seems most times “squirt” is a combination of liquids, sugars, and electrolytes, that may eventually become part of urine in the body, but the liquid also contains small traces of urine. Labeling it all as urine makes things seem “solved”, but that’s like calling a hamburger a salad because we can identify the lettuce.
The discussion really comes down to if it contains 5%-25% urine does that mean we disregard the make up of the other 75%-95%? And also, why would sexual pleasure cause the production of waste? Those two cycles in the body are separate. In addition, I’ve also read that in a “blue dye” test the urine changed colors but the “squirt” did not. Even women who need a urostomy bag to urinate could still “squirt”. So I don’t think we can call it “urine” or “ejaculate”, I just don’t think there has been enough proper testing (6 women in France verses 8 woman in America years earlier had contradicting results). We don’t have enough information to really make a decision, we still don’t even totally know how body absorbs sugars from food.
Maybe there are some women who just need to urinate and they do it during sexual pleasure and maybe some who release a different liquid from there bodies due to pleasure (most women who have incontinence during sex have week vaginal muscles, while women who squirt have extremely strong vagina muscles). I agree that it has a relation to urine, as does all water in the body (we are made of 65% of water) — but it looks more like a new option of liquid we should explore more, plus we might want to test out each “release” instead of just keeping it all in one sample.
Thank you Bob for this well thought out comment. Even though I’m just coming across it months after you posted it, you offer some very logical arguments. As a writer on this subject (I’m soon to publish my third book about squirting) I agree with all of the points you make, and more so I think we need to hold off on making judgments because there is plenty of conflicting information, and we’re dealing with very small sample sizes as well. I would encourage anyone who wants to research this topic thoroughly to look at several different resources and opinions so they can make their own well educated opinion on the subject.
So there’s enough information on this subject to write an entire, no wait THREE books about it?? Color me amazed!
I have given a women oral sex and saw what looked like white creamy fluid. It was white milky looking and a little slightly frothy around her urethra. It was not thick nor thin, sorta in between in consistency. It did not have any smell. The amount was about a small teaspoon in quantity.
On the other hand. I have seem something else. I was fingering a girl and she had a huge orgasm. No fluid came out of her urethra. I noticed though a lot of fluid coming out from her vagina underneath my finders. The fluid was clear like water and was not slippery. In fact the fluid washed away her normal vaginal lubrication making the inside of the vagina have more friction because the water expelled her normal lubrication as it came out of her vagina not urethra. From the knuckles of my fingers to the tips were covered in a thin clear fluid that barely had any smell. I kept fingering her out of of curiosity and my fingers were drenched. I did notice that if any smell it was sort of sweet like fruity but so light I could barely notice.
I was ready to insert my penis and when I did my penis went in and came out soaking wet covered in a thin clear fluid which had the appearance and consistency of water. No mucus or vaginal lubrication so my penis was getting unusual friction moving inside of her vagina. I know when women give birth there is a lot of water that comes out and some women have more than others. That water is not pee. I have not done research. But I wonder if the water I saw is similar.
I have also had friends tell me they have seen that happen with certain girls. They even used their fingers to hold open her vagina to see inside while she stimulated her clit and noticed clear water forming a puddle on the inside of her vagina with a girl that could “squirt” or “gush”. The amount was not a lot but more like 1/3 to 1/2 of a measuring cup and sometimes a little less like a 1/4. I don’t think that can be pee unless there is a leak from her urethra that is leaking on the inside of her vagina and not coming out of the outside urethra opening.
I am not saying some girls do in fact pee and the fluid does come from her urethra. I see that a lot in porn or like you said some girls losing bladder control or feeling pressure in the bladder to release urine from the urethra during sex. What I am talking about above is not that.
I do think there are five types of fluids and thus all the confusion.
1) Urine from the urethra
2) Natural female lubrication and some women produce a lot during orgasm. This can be interpreted and appears to be female ejaculation to some men and women if she is a girl that produces a lot during arousal.
3) Real female ejaculate you talked about that forms around the outer urethra that looks similar to male ejaculate. White and creamy looking in a small amount.
4) Water from her vagina which could be coming from her cervix which can be a small amount or a large amount. Not sure where this clear water comes from or even if it is water but it is NOT urine and comes from inside her vagina.
5) We know that during certain times of the month women have a natural clear fluid that is the consistency of clear looking egg yoke and for some women a lot is discharged from the cervix during a certain time of the month. This could be interpreted or confused with female ejaculation if its that time of the month and during sex an orgasm expels more of this fluid at once instead of slowly over time. It is clear, looks like clear white egg yoke and has the thickness and consistency of clear white egg yoke.
So it can be confusing which fluid people see or feel during sex. I think what most people talk about when they talk about “gushing” when referring to female ejaculation is the unexplained fluid which I mention in number 4 above. It is neither urine nor the clear egg yoke stuff that is discharged. What is it and where does it come from?
I have read that a sign of Cervical cancer is “a lot” of clear water coming from the cervix or a lot of clear water being discharged from the cervix. If cancer can do this then what about those younger women who have a lot of clear water being discharged from her cervix and out of her vagina who do not have cancer. How does a person explain that?
John – thanks for this. Just to clarify, when a woman has herpes or cancer, she can have production of large amounts (relatively speaking compared to her normal vaginal moisture) of clear fluid produced as part of the inflammatory response and damage to cells inside.
Ok. I know this one girl that doesn’t have either (herpes or cancer) and has been the “gushing” type (since her 20’s and is now in her mid 30’s), she is exactly what the guy explained above. Could this possibly mean that she might carry the cancer gene??
This does not correlate with carrying a cancer gene at all.
John, this is the same way my body reacts when fingered or when I am with a partner whose penis rubs my g-spot just right. It doesn’t happen with everyone and I don’t force it. If it happens it happens. I do know there is no urine smell and it is slightly sweet tasting.
What happens to me is exactly as John described. It is a gush of clear liquid. There is no odor whatsoever. This has happened to me 3 times. But only during masturbation, alone. And, it happens with only clitoral stimulation, so it was not G-Spot related. It has never happened during intercourse. And, I am actually hoping it never does. I told my husband about it immediately, he was nonchalant about it. I do not like it, it freaks me out.
John is on the dot. Why call it “coital incontinence” or “urine”, if urine is only present in this fluid? It’s still not either of these. It is not urine if it doesn’t come out of the urethra. It has the component of urine in the fluid’s make up according to “studies”. Is how your “scientific” findings should have been worded if concluded from the research and studies you have provided. Because if this fluid is produced from inside of the vagina, and cumming out of the vagina, “while she stimulated her clit and noticed clear water forming a puddle on the inside of her vagina with a girl that could “squirt” or “gush”-John.”, which is what most females who “squirt” experience, then that is not Coital incontinence nor urine.
If its urine, then its a very funny kind of urine and great too,if its not, well it still remains great.
Problem is ladies get to be shy when the thinking is it’s urine that is coming out there and it tends to let them down.
It affects the whole love making thing too, but in my bedroom, our belief is, ITS NOT URINE, it’s CUM and dad loves it so that mom can feel good and the love making is not awkward.
I love drinking it down every time she squirts I can’t get enough of the taste. Rodney
I’d like to hear more about this, too. I’ve experienced both squirting and gushing, gushing being the watery fluid coming from inside the vagina. Is that fluid somehow connected to the cervix or something else? Is it only build up arousal fluid? It feels like it’s coming from deeper and it only happens when I’ve had sex with my boyfriend first, as for the gushing to happen, the stimulation has to reach deeper than I can reach myself with fingers. The fluid smells a bit fruity to me and also to my boyfriend. My arousal fluid smells the same. I found no scientific articles about this so called gushing, but I’ve read that women who have given birth say it smells like amniotic fluid to them. There can be a lot of this fluid, as much as with squirting and I only experience this when orgasming. Maybe it’s connected with cervical orgasm? What do you think about this? Can female both squirt and gush, or is there scientific proof against the latter?
The cervix does not produce fluid in this quantity. A cervical orgasm just refers to an orgasm stimulated by cervical stimulation transmitted through the hypogastric and Vagus nerves. I don’t think there is a difference between squirting and gushing except the magnitude. Different instances can be entirely different experiences for some women. For example, some women squirt only sometimes.
Good information, very well said thanks Bob exactly what I was thinking!
This is simply not true. It is not urine. It has no smell, absolutely none and has no color. It cannot be possible it is urine cause my urine always has a smell and a color. There are many studies in the past 3 years that have tested the fluid and found nothing to indicate it is urine. besides it origination near the urethra. Also, it doesn’t happen during orgasm either. You need to rewrite you article.
Thank you for answering, it must be squirting then, but it somehow feels different than “normally”.
what are you talking about
tons of animals can “release waste on command”
many do it to mark territory
releasing waste is also vomiting which can be good if poisoned
would you prefer to keep and absorb said waste?
I don’t think you thought your comment out very much, or you over thought it became somewhat [removed]
I pee on command- I guarantee you
This sounds spot on! Especially the analogy about the hamburger and salad. If my husband and I are about to make love, I make sure to urinate before the act because I do “squirt” every time I reach orgasm. And like you said, how could I possibly create that much waste within 15-20 minutes? I read another article that it could be from the female prostate.
In no way shape or form is it wee. To make a woman squirt is the best feeling it is cum and is not wee. I am lucky enough to have a woman that squirts when she has an orgasm and she has never done this in the past
I think its hilarious at how angry and delusional some people get when confronted with the scientific evidence that its something like 98% urine. Why is that a problem? The study done on 7 women is not problematic, it wasn’t a study on statistical analysis, it was a study done on ejaculate makeup. Turns out it was Urine. If you have ACTUAL EVIDENCE other than your feelings and anecdotes, but actual objective evidence with results to rebut the claim and evidence that its Urine, please present it. Otherwise youre just flapping your mouth.
From my own experiences I have found this to be true and knew there was a difference between squirting and female ejaculation. However until this time I could not completely explain the difference with the proper terminology. This was the info I needed; ” It has been confirmed both by chemical analysis and by ultrasound that the fluid that comes out during squirting is urine from the bladder. Female ejaculation doesn’t have any of the urea, creatinine, or uric acid found in urine. Check out this study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.”, thanks.
If squirting is “pee” how come I can squirt multiple times in a row and then still have to go actually pee?
Or I pee and then can still squirt multiple times in a row. If this is infact true. I am truelly ashamed of it. (Let alone the things my partner and I have done – I would hate for my partner to pee all over me – whether he is orgasiming or not)
Melissa when I read this I wanted to high-five you because I feel exactly the same!
I agree. I can pee before and after and still soak the bed.
High five. I am the same way. Plus, it doesn’t even smell like urine. I pee before and after and still squirt
I have experience my 1st encounter and I kinda felt really good but also embarrass. My BF kinda liked it.
Hi, I have just the same experience: whilst I have read with interest that the liquid has actually be seen forming in the bladder now via some very brave women who were stimulated in a scanner, I am also left feeling like there must be something more.
I don’t have a huge problem with the constituent elements (our bodies produce a whole range of salty liquids, who cares which one this is?), so if it’s the same as urine, it’s the same as urine, but I don’t make it in the same way.
I can need to go to the loo, urinate, have sex and produce – within a few minutes – anything up 5 x c. 20 cl of liquid. At that point I’ll feel suddenly very thirsty but I may still manage to squirt. At absolute maximum, I’ve squirted 35 times in one sitting – I certainly wasn’t using urine that I’d had ‘ready’ beforehand, I was making it to order as I went along… surely that means something else is going on? How is the production triggered? How fast can we make it? And WHY?!
My thought is that it does act rather like a sperm wash, but I’ve not seen anything on this yet… maybe we all have special features, and we just need to find them 🙂
35 squirts wow. I do love the feeling too and hate to think it’s pee.
Even if some scientists consider it urine I will never think of it that way as its a major turn on for me when the woman squirts. Usually I cum shortly after the female squirts because it feels like ive down my job and accomplished getting her off before myself.
Fabulous! Thank you.
Ok so this happened to me as well for the first time with my husband I’ve been with for 5 years!….I was so confused st first lol but then was like hey, that’s kinda hot. Afterwards when cleaning after sex, yes I used the restroom just like I would normally which confused me even more. So then I found myself on this site. I’m kinda curious though how you can actually make it happen on command or if that’s even possible. Use curious about the subject.
My husband and I have also been married for 5 years and I just had this experience last week and was embarrassed but also very aroused and excited about my 1st “squirting” experience! He loved it i kept saying are you sure it’s not pee?! Lol! He said it’s not pee but it comes out the same place…so that’s why I’m on this site too! Hilarious
High five!!
I’m here researching this phenomenon be a cause yesterday I experienced the most amazing orgasm and expelled liquid. First time ever – I was so embarrassed. My boyfriend assured me that it wasn’t urine and said that it tasted sweet. He was so excited he found the “spot” so he made it happened several times in a five hour time span.
Several times before and after the experience I urinated (like a racehorse). Urine was yellow and felt like it was coming (punny) from a different place.
The liquid expelled was clear and had zero scent of urine in fact barely any scent at all. Today the messy areas did not smell at all. Believe me I checked!
Urine is urine! This was not urine. Perhaps one can’t analyze it until you’ve experienced it. Squirt!
I am so glad to read about other women experiencing this. The research is so frustratingly limited. I gush repeatedly, it’s clear, it feels like it’s coming from the walls of my vagina. I describe it as almost salivary glands that gush when I orgasm. I can pre right after gushing repeatedly. It is yellow, it smells strong like urine. This entire topic needs to be researched more thoroughly.
Same here!!
Well said , I myself have the pleasure of squirting and love it . Let’s all leave it alone, it is what it is . It’s squirting not wee we.
Me too!
I pity any woman who can accomplish squirting. It is most pleasurable and men love it. Clean up is a b—. But worth it!
Browsing the web here on the issue at hand, and I see this comment regarding is its pee, paraphrasing here ” If it is pee, I am truly ashamed of it”.
If your partner enjoys watching/helping you squirt (if he doesn’t , get a new partner) and if you enjoy it ( do I even need to question this?, as a guy image ejacualting 3 times in a few minute span ) .
Then even if it is pee, who gives a @#$&, by the time your done your all spent. The only time I have sex with my wife of 25 years and we don’t take the time to make her squirt, is when we choose to.
The purpose of my comment here, is that distilling the mentality into any woman reading this. That it may possibly be “pee” is going to deprive many women the opportunity to experience, what I feel is one of the most wonderful and relaxing feeling a women can have .
I had a partner and she always peed before sex, and she was still able to squirt quite a lot. In my opinion it’s not the same. It taste different.
Squirt has kind of lemon taste white pee is bitter. I don’t think it’s pee, but I’m no doctor.
Same here. Whenever I and my partner have sex, I pee beforehand and I don’t drink any fluids but everytime he’s down there, I can’t help but “squirt” or “pee” whatever you call it and I am starting to feel awkward and worse, ashame about it. Because my partner always accidentally swallows the liquid gushing and I feel like he is already getting irritated how my body reacts to our love making, I’m really worried, I thought I was the only one who’s experiencing this, i thought I maybe having abnormal orgasm or abnormal anatomy. Is this really normal? If it’s not, is there any possible way I could stop this? I’m really seriously worried. Thanks
I think it’s hot that you squirt. I wish my wife did. I once was with a girl who did gush, and i would drink it up. I would hate to think that I was drinking pee, but if it was, it didn’t taste like it
I am the same too i can pee before and after sex and i can still squirt over and over again. I do sometimes wish i didn’t quite so much as everything gets so wet but its never had a odor before but yesterday I noticed a strong urine smell which I found slightly off putting and embarrassing and I can’t work out why when it never has before have you experienced this at all ?
I always pee before sex bc I am a squirter. However I did not find this out until I was in my early 30s. I had felt the urge in my 20s but would actually stop my husband bc I thought I was going to pee all over myself & him. Now I just relax and enjoy the experience. The first time it happened I was like OMG, Wth just happened?!!
I feel the same as Melissa and am also confused as she is. I pee before sex and i still squirt multiple times and then have to pee again after sex. Not to mention that it just happened suddenly one day i didnt try to do it and still dont try it just happens when i orgasm multiple times.
For one da bladder ls truly never completely empty ladies so it cud b partially true
Actaully, I work at a urology clinic and the bladder does in fact empty and should empty when you go to the bathroom, if it didn’t then you would have retention problems.
It’s pee, people. Urinating spells relief on any given day, and let’s get real: It’s pleasurable to sit/squat (for dudes, stand) there and letitgo. Some folks trickle, some spray. It’s our social conditioning that prevents us from moaning or otherwise emitting primal sounds whenever we enjoy a good pee. What I don’t understand is: Since when did the (previously counterculture) fetish known as golden showers transform into the euphemism “squirting”? Perhaps the difference is psychological; one involves S&M via humiliation (golden showers), and the other involves feminine liberation and erotic determination (squirting).
Ever have an accident, as an adult, during, say, a pleasurable — not only erotic — dream? Well, combine the bliss of orgasm (in which we — all genders — lose control of muscles, nerves AND our inhibition s) with the pleasure of urinating and … voila…a sublime climax! I have my own theory on the reasons that Poise and other adult intimate absorbent products should have been trending in alignment with renewed interest over “squirting.”
limbing to an orgasm is voluntary — though many people can have involuntary orgasms while doing ordinary actions (walking, working at a desk or counter, taking an exam — hopefully not *while* being examined!) or while viewing television.
However, once an orgasm switches on, the spasms spiral until the excitement reaches a plateau.
Melissa & Krissy – don’t be discouraged by the fact that the liquid comes from the bladder. An episode of squirting doesn’t usually or always empty the bladder completely, and the kidneys are still working to fill up the bladder all the time. In fact, studies are being conducted now to see if there is a mechanism by which urine might be produced more quickly and dilute during arousal, since in squirting it seems to be very dilute. Since female ejaculation is different from squirting (as the research article demonstrates), that is actually a much smaller amount of fluid and is comparable to male ejaculate. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of in either case – just enjoy your body giving you pleasure!
Love how everyone’s an expert degree or no degree…since there has been a handful of studies on this subject which all came up with different results. Well I’m an expeet of my own body & don’t need jo blo tell what’s happening so this is what happens exactly while I’m climaxing & squirting…So there are thousands of females out there, who supress their orgasms, because they do not want their partners to think, they are incontinent while having sex.
It is NOT Urine, it is similar to the clear liquid, expelled by the male, along with his sperm.
This somewhat clear liquid, helps the sperm, swim, to where they are needed, to fertilize any available eggs.
Easy to explain ! As long as you are not shy !
Get your partner, to hold a Mirror & a Torch, between your legs. You will need to pull your interior & exterior lips ,slightly upwards and outwards
Imagine your urethra, as the center of a Clock. Look along the lines , that would be at 4 & 8 for the 2 slight shadows.
Ok everybody is different, so, some females, have the skene gland exits, right next to their urethra.
Others , can be as much as 2 cm away, but still, on the lines of 4 & 8, usng the Urethra as the center of the Clock face, moving the torch beam, 2 distinct small shadows should appear at some point.
Those small indentations, are where the Skene Gland Liquid, gushes out, during a good orgasm !
To test this, first CUT your Nails , as short as possible. then have the lady lie on her back.
Lubricate the Vagina & your middle finger.
Insert your finger in the Vagina, with your palm up, pass the Pubic Bone, then Very Gently ! Caress either side of center.
Soon you should feel the Skene glands, swelling, as they fill up with liquid.
When the Skene Glands are full, they will feel like a grape on each side of the vagina. If using a toy or Hubby when fully aroused …pull out & mine automatically shoots out! . V.
So as others said quit misinforming people that’s why women hide/suppress this awesome orgasmic experience!
IFL Science actually proved it IS urine after conducting a research study. They were able to see the kidneys working to fill the bladder via pelvic ultrasound just prior to climax. After the squirting was complete, the bladder had emptied. Although it does mix with actual female ejaculate, it is mostly urine. The reason a female can urinate also after sex is because it is believed that during sexual arousal, the kidneys function at an increased rate to produce urine. If you would like to reach the article you can go to IFLScience dot come.
And JRAD, if you’re going to challenge the knowledge of a physician on her own website, please have reputable data. And capslock is really f***ing annoying!
The study posted on IFLscience was conducted using 7 women. 7 out of the entire world’s population of women. The study was conducted how many times? Not enough to be considered TRUE statistics, which is 10 times.
Coming from a person who has learned to control the squirting skill, has done much research, and has a story of personal experience to support the research, it is NOT urine. Sure, the chemical properties of the fluid MAY be similar, but they are most definitely not the same.
When you are in labor, they cath you (which means your urethra is blocked, you CANNOT urinate, a bag automatically drains your urine, for those who may not know). While in labor with my son, I was cathed. For 13 hours. Then came time to push. You use the same vaginal muscles to push a child out that you use when squirting. Embarrassingly enough, I shot the doctor with squirt. Which, by the way, does NOT come from the urethra, rather from the vaginal opening. That is a fact. So, unless the bladder has 2 excretion tubes (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong when I say that it does not), squirt, in fact, does NOT generate from the bladder. And unless there’s another organ in the body that produces urine that I’m unaware of (again, correct me if that is wrong), it is NOT urine.
Cari – I agree that the study needs to be done on MANY more women. There are so many things that we don’t yet know. It would be interesting to find out if the fluid that hit the doctor during your delivery was amniotic fluid (not all is completely drained when the “water” breaks). This fluid would not be the same as fluid that is produced when squirting, however.
So the kidneys filter all fluids before distribution though out the entire body.
For men semen would go through the same process?
When men ejaculate… urine had a strong odor after.
So I guess sperm is urine.
What? Are you attempting to put her down with sarcasm? It’s not working.
Male ejaculate has an anatomical female correlate – female ejaculate, which is a small amount of clear/whitish slippery fluid that is produced by the urethral spongy erectile tissue. That is the point. Female ejaculate is different from the fluid of squirting, both in composition and quantity.
Best explanation ever.my girlfriend squirts alot as well.but I myself had the same question as to rather it was urine or a liquid similar to semen.im trying this though
I agree because of the proceb fact that the bladder is never completely empty
It’s NOT coming from the urethra. My partner can have his mouth over my clit and urethra and I gush from inside my vagina. I know when I’m peeing and this is a completely different sensation with a different origin.
I find it hard to believe that it is urine because I always pee before sex and I can literally squirt back to back a (seemingly unlimited amount of times) however I do see how urine can definitely be mixed in as it is an uncontrollable release but no way have I ever had that much pee in my bladder
There are some people who speculate that the process of arousal causes the kidneys to produce a very dilute urine in larger quantities than at other times. This would make sense considering that it is beneficial to urinate after intercourse to wash any bacteria out of the urethra to prevent UTIs. This also helps explain why it doesn’t smell or taste like urine. Ultrasound, however, confirms that it comes from the bladder.
So basically two weeks ago I was having a major orgasm with a toy and hubbys finger and all of the sudden I felt like I was going to pee. That has never happened to me before. I knew that this was something totally different than just a need to urinate because my level of excitement was so elevated that I could feel my whole body jerk and my legs down to my toes were at its highest level of exciment and I had never felt in my 43 years of age that type of sensation. I wanted to to climax so bad but I felt a little something hot coming out like urine I kind of freaked out and stoped myself. Finally this week we were playing for a while I had already climaxed a few times I decide I want my toy and my husbands finger at the same time and there it was again that hightened feeling again going down all the way to my toes I’m shaking everywhere and I start climaxing when a gush of fluids just starts coming out it was hot and did not smell like urine at all but I didn’t want to stop it just felt so incredible that I could not stop. I must have gushed out this fluid over three times and the last one did smell like urine not strong but it did have a slight urine smell. Now I did not have to urine because I always use the restroom before intercourse but I’m still Bafled by the whole thing. I must say its like being in heaven very addicting. Whatever it is my husband Loves it and I love it even more. So for those that are afraid just listen to your body don’t be afraid and release. Feels awesome!! learn to love and enjoy your body
If urine is present in the liquid from squirting, that doesn’t mean it is urine. If that were true, Coca-Cola could be referred to as “water”, as it contains water. The liquid that comes out during squirting is less lubricating than vaginal secretions, but smells nothing like urine and is not yellow in the slightest. By propagating such nonsense, you are furthering the guilty/dirty feelings people are experiencing. Just stop it now, please.
This is not meant to further guilt or dirty feelings. I think that women can have tremendous amounts of pleasure from squirting and many enjoy it each and every time they have stimulation. I have encouraged women (and their partners) to continue enjoying squirting as part of their sexual repertoire if it pleases them. There should be no guilt or dirty feelings about it whatsoever, regardless of the source. The only one that can attach negative feelings to it is the person who interprets it that way (like you for example). What I am presenting here is based on scientific studies published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, which is the official scientific journal for the International Society for Sexual Medicine. As a physician, I marvel at everything that the body does and is capable of doing. I don’t think that knowledge places a value judgment on saliva, sweat, vaginal secretions, ejaculate (male or female), tears, menstrual blood, mucous, urine (dilute or otherwise), etc. That value judgment is being placed by you.
So when’s the last time u squirted? Or even orgasmed & if never have squirted u need to leave it to the actual experts than!
When’s the last time a cardiologist had a heart attack? Or the last time a zoologist was a lion? One does not need to personally experience something to study it. The doctors are not telling you what your “experience” of squirting is. They are talking about the chemical makeup of it and where it originates.
Scientists have studied people while they are having sex and squirting. They’ve done ultrasounds before and after and taken samples of urine before, after, and from the “squirt.” They’ve determined the samples to be identical thru a detailed lab analysis. What is going on here is people are uncomfortable with the idea that they are expelling urine during sex. Culturally and personally we may have an aversion to this, however, it doesn’t make it not true. Speaking of credibility, it is hard to take someone seriously that is launching personal attacks against someone, such as accusing them of never orgasming. Usually when people fall back on the “I think it is b/c I know it and I’m not going to listen to anyone, especially not doctors or scientists” and then start personally attacking said doctors and scientists they are way off base.
Jill your comments on the people who just want to argue with doctors and science was so well put and so true. I find it interesting that these know-it-alls found the need to view Dr. Castellano’s blog on the subject in the first place. They must have been looking for some kind of information. It just shows they don’t know as much as they profess to.
To argue with someone who has scientific evidence to back them up and then try to put that person down is not only rude and insolent, it shows the extent of their ignorance.
Jrad, these people are seriously cracking me up. I don’t think they ever actually witnessed a woman squirting. My Girlfriend can and does often. I have seen it – seen where it comes from – played with it and tasted it… It is most definitely not Urine… Maybe they got the same studies from the people that said marijuana causes death in monkeys (after they gave the monkeys only smoke to breath and basically suffocated them) Either way these people have no idea what they are talking about.
What I think we all need to do is take a step back, take a deep breath and relax, in fact I think we all need to take ten deep breaths in through the nose for a countnof one & out through the mouth for a count of two. What that will do is change your mental state. Now once we have done that let’s be honest with ourselves and everyone else and just admit that we know next to nothing about anything & even less about everything. If you look back at what was once believed to to true and what we currently believe to be true it is shocking. And I think the same thing is true today. As new information & understanding comes in and becomes available I think we will find , just as our predecessors believe what they believed to be true and turned out not to be so , so too shall people in the future find that most of what we thought and even taught to be true was base on either misinformation or false information ( evidence) that appeared real ( true) at the time . Most of what man does is base on FEAR ( False Evidence Appearing Real) we are not that much different than those who came before us and in the future people will look back at us , shake their heads and say ” I can’t believe they really believed that??? We are just beginning to become aware of how truly marvelous & wonderfully we are made and just starting to grasp the incredible creativite capabilities and capacities we have. Literally ( as Napoleon Hill said) what the mind of man can conceive , if he believes, he can achieve. The only thing that stands between us and our dreams is ourselves. With respect to squirting, something that gives a woman so much pleasure should be the goal and objective of every man who loves women and enjoys given them all the pleasure possible in love & in life ( which I am coming to see are one and the same self thing). I think all our problems stem from a basis lack of and misunderstanding of love & what it is.
Best sex ever was when she squirted for the first time. She loved it, and was embarrassed at the same time. Nevertheless, she loves it when I swallow it. Not Pee.
Your woman is peeing on you bro, get over it.
If everybody’s having fun – who cares where it comes from? It’s not dirty and the feeling is amazing.
Thank u!!! Bout time someone speak up! Love how cuz someone has a degree that their an expert! When in fact since there has been such little research with absolute conclusions these so called experts need ti listen to what we’re saying. ..gona go leave my reply…check it out!
It is not pee. It comes out of vagina!!!
It doesn’t come from the vagina. Any woman would kno this. During sex u feel like peeing and some ppl just release it to make their lover feel like u have orgasmed. Having a orgasm is different, u feel weak after n it actually comes from the vagina
You’ve obviously never experienced the vaginal gushing. It does not feel like needing to pee at all. We are talking about two completely different phenomena. Those of us who have experienced the vaginal gushing know that it doesn’t come from the urethra. Being told otherwise is condescending and infuriating. 7 women were part of that study. I promise you it’s not pee. I can sometimes feel like I need to pee while having sex. I stop and go to the bathroom, come back and have gushing vaginal orgasms. I feel very sorry for you that you haven’t had the pleasure of experiencing this. Trust me, it’s exquisite.
My partner squirts in my mouth all the time, and it’s not pee, it’s clear, it doesn’t taste like pee
Love your way of thinking!!
Thank you because I’ve been doing it since I started having intercourse and to honest over the years the amount is more like what I just experienced it soaked up my whole pillow on the couch and it only happened 5 times. Let’s not make women feel guilty because of the result of pleasure. My honey loves it everytime.im just unclear on what is but I know it’s not urine because I’ve seen it in a big puddle and it was.clear and has a fruity smell
Ive read similar articles from multiple sources that address the matter of squirting being the the same as peeing. What surprises me is that many people who post comments are in denial and insist that it is not pee. Most if not all of these women who believe in “squirting” say that they know its not pee because of the colour, the scent, the fact that they empty their bladder before sex, or the fact that it is beyond their control. But rarely does anyone raise the point that they believe squirting is female ejaculation BECAUSE THEY GET PLEASURE FROM IT, LIKE FROM AN ORGASM. A quick google search will turn up thousands of women asking on forums how to determine whether they have just pissed or ejaculated. And a lot of people who answer these posts insist that it is “squirting”. I cant speak for other women but I can tell when I orgasm, because I feel waves of immense pleasure and I have never questioned whether it was an orgasm, or whether it was something else. A lot of these women describe a sensation of pressure and then before they know it they are all wet. Again, no mention of huge rush of pleasure. Now why is there so much confusion surrounding whether a squirt is or is not female ejaculation? By the same theory, if I shit myself during anal and feel a huge sense of release, is that also “female ejaculation?” If squirting feels no different to peeing then just dont do it (unless you have no control over it) As mentioned in the article, the sensation of releasing your bladder may give some pleasure during sexual stimulation but it is minimal. I mean I get a sense of release when I empty my bladder after I hold it for too long when im not able to get to a bathroom.
Paige – For some women this happens naturally or accidentally, while others teach themselves how to squirt. There is a wide range of experiences with some women saying it doesn’t really add to their experience and some saying that it’s the greatest thing that they’ve ever felt. Since there is probably a significant release for those women who love it, that adds to their pleasure. The pleasure is blended with the joy of orgasm and the repetitive relaxation and tensing of the pelvic floor muscles during orgasm.
I thought it was common sense, when you orgasm the wetness (cum) comes from your vagina and when you pee it comes from your uretha, so to me it is urine anyway as this squirting fluid is coming out of your uretha and regardless of how many times you empty your bladder before sex or after sex you can still always get another build up of urine. But at the end of the day as long as both partners are having the pleasure they require it doesn’t matter how they’re getting it.
Lou – Yes, wetness does come from the vagina. But there are two different things that come from the urethra – one is urine, and one form of this is seen in squirting, and the other is a very small amount of thick whitish fluid that happens at orgasm and is female ejaculation. Female ejaculation is difficult to find because it is a small amount that sometimes gets mixed with vaginal fluids, especially during penetration. Squirting is hard to miss. I agree that if both partners are having pleasure, what does it matter?
So, according to your logic, when a male ejaculates that is also urine. It comes from the urethra….
Sarah – no. I think you misunderstood what I am saying. The studies show that squirting is liquid that comes from the bladder. But female ejaculation is not the same thing as squirting. Female ejaculation is more like male ejaculation, except they make no sperm of course. Squirting, however, would be much more like a man urinating (not ejaculating). I am not placing a value judgment on either – women enjoy both very much.
Well if it is in fact urine and that is the only way you know how or have ever had an orgasm, is there a way to stop squirting during sex and still have an orgasm?
If it has been part of the way that you naturally reach and experience orgasm, it could be a little trickier to orgasm without it. I’m curious why you would want to stop if you have been enjoying it so far? Usually, when a woman naturally squirts, she relaxes her pelvic floor in some muscles, while contracting others (the pelvic floor is made up of pairs of many different muscles working together, but can learn to be isolated). If you really wanted to stop (again, don’t know why), you could try having an orgasm in another position that encourages tightening of all the pelvic floor muscles at the same time, like on all fours.
I know the different feelings of peeing, orgasm and squirting. Yes the fluid that is squirted comes from the bladder but it comes from in the lining of the bladder and is not urine. When I first started becoming aroused enough that I began squirting, I made an appointment with the best female specialist in my state. He told me that it was a good thing and not to worry or feel embarrassed about it. It comes from the lining of the bladder. It is not urine. He also told me that if I wanted it to stop all he had to do is make a small incision [in the lining] and that I would never have to worry about it again. I decided not to have him do away with it because I can feel a difference in the kinds of sensations (urinating, orgasm, and squirting) and it is immensely pleasurable. I have also squirted so much and was so weak from intense orgasms that when I started to get up to go the bathroom I then lost control of my bladder and it was full of urine and not more than 1 minute from a bed soaking totally draining squirting orgasm. It may have traces of urine but it’s not urine.
I don’t know what he was talking about coming from the lining of the bladder – the lining of the bladder is not secretory and could never produce this volume of fluid. I also believe that squirting is a good thing and that you should not worry or feel embarrassed. I am only presenting the findings from studies. I am not placing a value judgment on it whatsoever.
What about studies that have shown in some women they discovered just traces of urine & large amounts of the sugars, plasmas & enzymes as mens semen…with further studies on these women during orgasm there valve to bladder closed off (leaving a bit in tract) while the lining of their bladder filled up & repeatedly for multiple orgasms when in the early 1900s some of the 1st studies ever recored they believed the prostate to possibly be located there which the fluid is then released through the skeens gland…cuz I will tell u I don’t care what any study says mine doesn’t come out my urethra! ! My gland pertrudes out & it releases from my whole there. So tell me exactly ur expery opinion.
I’m a squirter and I can’t control it either. I found this article because I’m pregnant now and I’m curious about whether or not Squirting can affect the urine flow in an unborn fetus. I was told I had a little backed up urine in the ureter tube and I was wondering if the uncontrollable squirting could be the cause of it?
Hathar – this should not be affected or caused by squirting. Usually, it is more due to pressure on the bladder from pregnancy that can cause a little back up into the ureters. This will also not affect your fetus in any way – it is completely separate from the baby, so no need to worry about it. Keep enjoying!
I’m so confused by it. Urine is always yellow, or at least mine is; and when I squirt, it’s always clear, slightly viscous and pretty salty. Sometimes if it gets on a dark fabric, it dries white. It’s not a WHOLE lot either. And urine has this ammonia- laden odor, but the mystery liquid I produce has a kind of musky scent to it. Peeing feels a lot different from squirting too; there are different muscles in use. What’s going on here?
Urine is not always yellow or ammonia-smelling – especially if it is very dilute. The body can produce urine that is almost as clear as water. The only difference is that it has urea in it (as found in the study). Also, when you urinate, you must relax pelvic floor muscles, which is also what happens during contractions when there is squirting. Since it travels through the urethra, it does get mixed with secretions from the surrounding glandular tissue. Although scientists are still trying to figure it all out, there is probably multiple things happening at the same time when women squirt during orgasm. It’s unfortunate that there is so little funding for research of this kind that would help discover all of the beautiful and marvelous things that happen in women during orgasm!!
I agree 100% my squirt is clear and pee is yellow. Before sex my urine is yellow; squirt clear; after sex urine yellow. I eat a diet high in b vitamins from brown rice and whole foods, yams, and my pee is always yellow from water soluble b vitamins but my squirt is never colored. These guys are a bunch of lab rats that haven’t squirted so who cares. We squirt and we know the difference. And anyone that plays water sports and drinks urine and drinks squirt knows the difference too!
The one gentleman was correct. ..people as urself pushing the idea it’s urine os what the problem has been since beginning of time…why don’t u take in ALL RESEARCH. .INSTEAD OF A TEST OF 7 SUBJECTS! Yet u admit the little research that’s been done yet u want to say these r accurate results for all..the book The Secrets of Great G-Spot Orgasms and Female Ejaculation is straightforward,
There is compelling evidence that the fluid is not urine. Several studies have shown that female ejaculatory fluid contains prostatic specific antigen (PSA) markers that are similar to PSA markers in prostatic fluid and semen produced by the prostate in men; these same markers are not found in urine . . . Five different studies show the majority of women’s ejaculate contains zero or low levels of urea and creatinine, both of which are found in urine. But yet u wana say ur studies r accurate..saying when I c with my own eyes that when I squirt it’s not coming out of my urethra. ..my gland inside front of my vagina fills up & portudes out & that’s when I c the opening on that gland when it starts shooting this fluid which of course conrains traces of urine. ..it’s rite by the urethra when swollen & portruding & I can milk the fluid out from this gland with my 2 middle fingers…LET ME SIGN UP FOR A STUDY SO I CAN SHOW ALL U!!
I always use the bathroom before sex. I’ve squirted 13 times in one night! There was never a smell of urine. Idk what it is, but I enjoy it. Squirting is way better than just having an orgasm!
Can u please give me an answer on this Madeleine Castellanos…..NOT ONE TIME did I hear…”when I squirt….” so we ALL know u haven’t….so Why do u have a website answering questions on SQUIRTING when u don’t have the 1st clue as to what you are even talking about? Even in your own words bout the few studies that have been funded so little has been proven…but yet u want to have a website making u look like an expert who comes off as if this huge supporter on female orgasms & to just have a wonderful experience. …well than u need to quit with repeating over & over it’s pee cuz rite there YOU ARE THE ONE LABELING IT PEEING..URINATING…which when calling it that & in all actuality YOU have no idea or REAL STATISTICS to hold that & you r doing EXACTLY what society has been doing with the female ejaculation/squirting orgasm for centuries….which is why u didn’t start hearing bout this til the 80’s when women started being more open with their sexuality. ..SO THANK YOU FOR DOING WHAT SOCIETY HAS BEEN DOING FOR TOO LONG..& that’s my issue is women out there cuz there r gullible ones…are reading your article for facts & advise from someone who knows what they’re talking about…so please tell me what gives u the right to give out information that is absolutely not backed up!?! No really what does please I would love to know…cuz just cuz I squirt. ..u don’t see me putting up a website trying to dismiss all of u! But I will tell u I believes my body over any stupid site so I HOPE MORE WOMEN BELIEVE WHAT THEIR BODY TELLS THEM & NOT PEOPLE WITH A DEGREE BUT NOTHING TO BACK THEM UP…ESPECIALLY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCES!
What i knew is that during sex intercourse there is high rate of metabolism which means high rate of ultra filtration in the kidney due to high blood pressure and high toxins produce [wastes] then the balder must fill up but again scientists say the blader opening is closed durin sex or some male drill deep inside during sqt then how urine comes in?
Men have a real sphincter that helps close off the bladder during sexual activity. Women’s retention of fluid in the bladder is more reliant on the angle between the angle of the bladder and urethra. Thanks!
Dr. Castellano, I feel the need to apologize to you for the way people like Jrad are behaving toward you and some of your readers here on your own blog. I admire you for exercising such self control when responding to some of these posts. I’d be tempted to kick them out all together. To debate someone is one thing but some of these people are just out and out disrespectfull and rude. Some act like they know everything yet they can’t spell properly. Everyone makes a spelling error once in a while or makes a few typos but this is obviuosly not the case here. Before I’d attempt to argue with scientists and doctors in such a public forum I’d want to be able to spell or at least know how to use spell check. They have just furthered to show their lack of knowledge and intelligence.
This brings to mind the t-shirt that reads, “Those who act like they know everything really irritate those of us who do”. Thank you for the information you provide. It is obviously needed.
Thank you!
Thanx for blessing me with ur wisdom….I knew u were a chicken & had no answer for my inquiries!
JRAD (not your real name I suppose) It seems that you are very attached to the idea that the fluid that comes out during squirting is not from the bladder, which you are entitled to believe. Anatomy, physiology, fluid mechanics, MRI studies, and fluid analysis say differently. I am simply presenting the information that was published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Perhaps your objection to their findings would be better directed at them? You see, I don’t really care if women squirt or not, as long as they are enjoying it. As an MD, I understand how many different ways that the body can experience pleasure, but not everyone is okay with what it entails physiologically. I, however, place no value judgment on it. Squirting and female ejaculation are two different things, both of which are great. If you need to keep your “clean” interpretation of squirting because the thought that it comes from the bladder disturbs you so, then know that I have no interest in changing your mind.
You already know the answer JRAD. You’ve got it all figured out. Why are you even asking?
Exactly what I thought…you are not qualified to even have a site like this up so thank you for answering ALL my ???’s PLEASE NO MORE COMMENTS FROM THE PEANUT GALLERY! ur a joke! Why give a real name….to a fake person!
Lady, you’re a nut job. Internet fighting with a doctor? Enjoy your community college degree..
JRAD, after reading and respondent to some of your posts, I know regret it, as I spent time responding to an unreasonable person. I think you need a different type of doctor. One that treats something quite a bit higher up on the body.
Squirting is not urine. I squirt on average every 10 minutes during sex and it is clear liquid…when i pee after sex it is yellow.
Anybody else think Jrad’s an [removed]?
All the people that claim squirting is just urine, have never experienced it. You would have to see it, or do it to believe it I guess. They can do all the scientific research they want, but only us squirters, or the ones who can make it happen for a woman, are the only ones that know the truth. Your all just non believers. If u ask me if I believe in ghosts, I would say no. I am a non believer when someone shares an experience about a deceased loved one, or someone seeing spirits. But I sure as hell would believe if I saw a ghost, or spirit right in front of me with my very own eyes!
You do realize that scientific studies do actually get their findings from real freaking women that squirt? -_-
I agree that squirting is pee. My bf has tried several times just to make me squirt by stimulating my gspot. It just made me want to pee. And wen I go to the bathroom to empty and come and he does it again, I can just feel my bladder filling up. I thought I wasn’t normal because I don’t squirt cuz no matter how much water I drink( cuz “they” being hydrated helps) I’d just want to pee during sex or stimulation of the gspot. Buh now I know I should be comfortable with the orgasms and ejaculations( even though they may be small and whitish). Glad I met this post. Now I can enjoy my sexual life.
Curious to know – in all of your attempts to “squirt” during sex, did you make a conscious effort to drink more water beforehand?
My Boyfriend and I decieded to become intimate and tomy surprise he was packing 14in with a slite curve to the right. Now I must say that it was amazing. But he kept saying that I was squirting multiple time. I never felt anything coming and he seemed to love it. I wouldn’t have a problem with it but now it seems like i have to pee every 30 mins and I almost feel like i have less control over holding it. I want to know if the kegalMaster products would help me?
I can’t give you personal advice, but can comment generally speaking. His length shouldn’t really affect things as much as girth. Also, it should not weaken your pelvic floor at all unless you are pushing outwards and down on your pelvic floor. Pelvic floor exercises help bring strength and tone to the muscles of the pelvic floor. If you find yourself having to urinate more frequently now and it doesn’t get better, it would be wise to check if you have an urinary tract infection (which causes frequency and less control for some women), any other infection, or if there is any other reasons for the symptoms you are having.
I squirt sometimes while on sexual intercourse. intially it was little defficult.after practise.really it is enjoyable
The first time I squirted I was a naive 16 year old who came all over my boyfriends hand. It came from my vagina. Not my bladder. At the time my boyfriend was in shock (that was 30 years ago) and he said Jesus! Did you pee on me? Needless to say, I was ashamed and had no idea why my body reacted that way at the height of orgasm.
I have had small amounts of urine leak out during sex, and this was only because I had a full bladder. Morning sex is when it has happened. You can smell the difference and feel it escaping through the uretha.
I also know that I have a tipped cervix, so I am unsure if this may have an effect on this unusual pleasure.
I emphatically disagree that the fluid is urine. It comes from deep within my vagina, and it is a copious amount of fluid. I am able to feel the pressure coming on each squirt. I can squirt all night if I wanted to. I have soaked my king bed through the comforter, the blankets, the sheets, down to the waterproof mattress pad.
I always have to pee after I squirt. And it is hard for me to release the urine. Just like it is for men with a hard on or after sex. It takes full concentration.
I believe that the fine doctor takes pleasure in this study, because she probably has never squirted in her life, and is jealous of those that can. So, she takes pleasure in telling us squirt gals that we are just pissing all over the place.
I can control my squirting. If I want to do it, I do it. If I don’t want to deal with the mess, I will happily succumb to a nice clitoral and vaginal orgasim.
It is not urine. It comes from glands that fill up with liquid. There have been a lot more studies on this then just this peer review.
Only 20% of women experience this unusual yummy sensation. And I feel bad for that fact. And any squirt gals out there, don’t ever tell yourself as your gushing away, that it’s pee. It’s not. It’s your glandular pleasure that God has so graciously gifted you with.
Thank you for sharing your experience. I don’t really have pleasure or not over this study, but your comment did make me smile very big! It’s so interesting to me that so many people make conclusions about what I have or have not experienced just because I posted info about a good study! It’s not really for me to talk about my experiences – it’s about having open conversations about all of the many permutations of pleasure! I love you all. 🙂
“it’s about having open conversations about all of the many permutations of pleasure! I love you all.” Well people want to know your experiences. If we are supposed to talk about our wives squirting then why do you avoid the topic when others who aren’t trolling ask?
Reading all the posts was quite interesting and entertaining. I was compelled to this site after hearing the disturbing news of my vagina being the topic of discussion between my husband and his mother :). I’m a long distance squirter that propels copious amounts of fluids yards away from my vagina. I’ve been squirting for over 15 years, and although it’s quite pleasurable, it’s pretty annoying to deal with the fear and aftermath of releasing (drenched mattresses, soaked floors, destroyed electronics, fear of electrocution, fear to have sex on my bed, fear of hosing down my partner’s face and body while riding, feelings of vulnerability, etc…).
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy squirting, and if I don’t release, I never feel sexually satisfied. There would always be a feeling of pressure, like a balloon that needs to be popped, an no amount of urination and forcing myself to urinate can relieve that pressure, unless by penile-vaginal penetration offsetting my pleasure points. The self cleaning aspect, of what I believe to be the flushing away of sperm or any bacteria from my urethra and outer vagina is also a plus.
I’ve often wondered how the fluids from squirting evolved and manifested, and how I could make it stop (I’ve noticed the intensity and expelling of fluid is 10x more during ovulation). I’ve visited many gynecologists, and I was told some women have glands and cells that secrete more fluids than others. I did not quite find that information too helpful. One doctor said I should be happy and that it’s better than having a dry vagina (I totally agree). The coup de grace is when one gynecologists minimized my complaints and told me to purchase chux pads!
I use to believe that I could only squirt when I push the penis out of my vagina, hence, making me believe the fluid came from my vagina. The day I squirted while the penis was still inside my vagina, led me to confusion. I typically can hold urine in my bladder during intercourse and it will take a conscious effort to urinate on myself. I’m not able to voluntarily urinate right away after sex, I have to wait until my body stops pulsating and a “switch” to turn my bladder on take effect.
Any how, I found your article to be great, and it has given me more insight into the phenomenon of the double edge sword battling in my vagina, of what I’m both enjoying and also suffering from. Although it leaves room for arguments, It does make sense that the kidneys can produce diluted urine during sexual intercourse. While reading, I noticed if aroused, my bladder fills up faster 🙂
I’m not sure BC my partner will be playing with me internally and feels my squirt coming from my vagina, it pours out even on his penis. Not shooting out of my urethra. I taste it tastes sweet and earthy and no pee smell, it’s clear and sticky afterwards.
People are really really opinionated about this apparently.. I mean it’s interesting of course. I’d like to be informed about what happens to my body during my favorite part of the day, but still a lot of attachment to sides here. There are studies saying one thing, with more research the community might develop a different conclusion later. Seems kind of uncertain still, but either way the Dr presenting the info isn’t to blame somehow..? And definitely not obligated to tell the Internet about her sex life… Weird crowd
In my experience I don’t think really about it I was not always a squirted….. But I found a great lover and during sex I have squirted and the feeling before it happens and during is one of the best feelings I have ever experienced…… God made us to enjoy our bodies and whatever it does works for me I do agree that it does not smell like urine and I always pee before sex and after ….. I think there is much more to it then what the studies have come up with I don’t think there have been enough studies on it … But to be honest who cares …. Just enjoy your experiences our bodies are amazing things …… That do amazing things ……
Offended girls with sIngle-digit IQ – “Omg, how daer u tell us its pee! It not pee, ur jus jealous tat u never squirted in ur lyfe! Jus becuz u hav a college degree doesn’t maek u n expert!!! I no 4 a fact it’s not pee, it cums from the lining of the bladder n comes out of my vagina! Ur chicken to not answer my ???!”
This forum gave me a good laugh. Thanks doc, for the article. Seems like it draws out a lot of girls looking to be offended even though you weren’t trying to.
People who can’t spell *dear* shouldn’t knock people whom you allege to have single-digit IQs. OK, dear?
Minho was making a crack on the others that posted uninformed and grammatically incorrect dialect. It was an intentional misspelling of the word dare, *dear.
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the commentary. I’m no further informed than when I first started reading, but I enjoyed it just the same.
OMG. Can’t believe how different opinions, experiences or knowledge can get people in such a heated debate over this subject. Perhaps some squirt, some pee, or do both.
Idiot! The word she was making fun of, was DARE… not dear… and please note that she put the mispelled words in quotations to show that she was making fun of the ignorance and lack of spelling by OTHERS! GOOD GAWD!! I am appalled at all the butthurt and moronic people that this vast earth really has living on it! It’s called science and facts people… sorry the earth isn’t flat like your eyes tend to tell you it is. And sorry that squirt comes from your vaginas. And when you are being made fun of for having WRONG opinions, make sure you know what you are talking about! The original poster spelled dare, daer… along with 50 other words incorrectly. And then an idiot opened their mouth with,” people who can’t spell dear…”!!! Bahahahahah the stupidity is strong in here.. sorry doc that you are surrounded by so many fools! I’m out
I feel the same way!!
This study seems to be untrue. It is just the shaming of women for having multiple squirting orgasms. Why is it when you urine it is yellow and smells rank, but when you squirt it is clear and smells sweet? Why is it if you press firmly against the G-spot you squirt or receive oral you squirt and if your partner can not get you to squirt you can go into a fantasy to accomplish this. This is not a large scale study and why doesn’t squirting smell like urine. I think another study is needed because I see several conflicting studies.
Tanya, I agree that many more studies are needed because this study is too small. I don’t agree, however, that it is shaming to women – it just presents the findings. Urine is not always yellow and “rank” especially if it is very dilute. The body goes under different physiological processes during sexual arousal and it not unreasonable to think that the body produces very dilute urine. It would actually be beneficial from an evolutionary standpoint, in order to rinse the urethra of any bacteria after sexual activity to help prevent infection (speculation).
The whole point of the article is that it doesn’t really matter where it comes from, we can all enjoy it and find it erotic. A negative value judgement only comes from one’s own personal mind.
All I know is I like it a lot !!!
What ever it is the look in my woman’s eyes at point of release says all I need to know about it. It gives her pleasure and that’s what it’s all about. When she looks up at me afterwards with a smile whither from oral clit simulation or from the throbbing of my penis inside that’s all the evidence I need !!!
I like to think it is not pee. I don’t understand “trying” to get it to happen though. For me it just happens. I used to be embarrassed but it makes my hubby proud. He actually does think it’s urine brought on by intense release but still finds it hot. All i know is it doesn’t feel like I’m peeing. It happens when my gspot is really simulated and i climax. Sometimes it feels like a normal ( still quite amazing) orgasm ane he is the one that points out i did it. Sometimes i still feel the need to apologize which he quickly dismisses and reminds me how much he loves it.
You do not need to apologize to anyone! It is hot, because it is a complete surrender into the pleasure of your sexuality!
Not urine! It comes from the skenes gland. Had a long talk with my gyn about this. And it is not urine, it tastes sweet like sugar
The Skene’s glands produce what is known as female ejaculate, but it cannot be the same volume as what most women experience as “squirting”. Also, what comes from the Skene’s glands is sweet and milky in appearance, not clear like the fluid from squirting. To make it more confusing, women who “squirt” will probably also have female ejaculation at the same time (so the fluids get mixed together), whereas there are many women who ejaculate (Skene’s glands/female prostate) don’t necessarily squirt.
I can attest to this, it’s definitely sweet. The best sexual experience was when one of my previous girlfriends could squirt any time we had sex, and I would always be ready to take a mouthful of it. Never Yellow, and always on the sweeter side with a slightly viscous non watery consistency to it. And if you look at it , the parts that missed my mouth of course – It was always perfectly clear.
So if it is mixed with whatever the hell we call ‘pee’ which is just it’s own chemical composition, it also has in it other compositions that make it very unique in and of itself. And if any doctor or study wants to tell me it’s ‘basically pee’, I wouldn’t care one bit. I’d still want it in my mouth because I know I like it and it isn’t harmful to me.
May it be possible for actual female ejaculation (clear, thick, sometimes cloudy, slimy mucous; comparable to male ejaculation ) to rush out in a trickle?
Chila – It would be possible, especially if there is pressure on the area when it happens.
I’m curious about this because when urinating, I honestly don’t drink much water, so it’s yellow and has a distinct urine scent. However, when I squirt, it is completely clear and has no odor. So how is that urine?
Thank you for the interesting study and for professionaly and patiently trying to answer to all confused people. There are still things to be answered I guess like how it is possible to squirt a significant amount of liquid several times and still pee after (while you had also peed before)..Or how it is really dilluted and not yellowish or ammonia-smelly.. And i guess you are already on it with your next study. Scientific data are there and noone could contradict them (although i agree your statistical sample is small). It comes from the bladder ladies (Im sure the first time it happened most of us had the same question: Did i just pee while having sex and enjoyed it?!). So if you and your partners have been enjoying this phenomenon so far..who cares where is comes from? As a woman i do not care..I have loved it and my partners too. Just accept facts..must be funny sometimes trying to blame how nature works by just comparing with what we consider as socially acceptable. Keep on the good job doc!
My god some of these people are crazy. Why are people attacking Madeleine for giving us information from a scientific study? Personally attacking her because you disagree with the study’s results do nothing but make you appear illogical.
“Madeleine claims squirting is urinating because she’s jealous of squirters?” What is with that crap?
If you disagree with the study’s results, simply state so and provide your reasons. Reference other sources and cite them to make your argument stronger.
Throwing insults at Madeleine doesn’t change the findings of the study.
Additionally, how can people claim that just because someone has a degree that doesn’t make them an expert? They literally go to school for years and studied that area to earn that degree. That makes them an expert. Experiencing the sensation of squirting doesn’t certify you as an expert.
Thank you for sharing this Madeleine! You were very elegant in your replies to the idiots.
In regards to my own personal experience…
The first time I squirted I thought I peed. The liquid was mostly clear but had a very faint tint of yellow along with a faint odor. I can’t tell if the squirting comes from my urethra or vagina. The conclusion that squirting is simply diluted urine sounds about right to me.
The feeling of needing to urinate and squirting is very similar to me. I’ve begun to associate the two to the point where most times when I need to pee my mind connects it to sexual thoughts. This is quite confusing for me and I’m not sure what to make of it. However, squirting is fun and I don’t really care if it’s considered peeing. I still enjoy it.
Maybe the reason so many people are opposed to this study’s conclusion is because it’s embarrassing or humiliating. They pee when they orgasm oh no. I get it if you don’t like the idea of peeing the bed. Just don’t go about it by insulting doctors and acting like you’re an expert when you’re not.
You people are idiots. Let’s maybe listen to the experts. Oh wait pee is yellow…. read a book! Or drink more water! Either way you’ll realize how ridiculous you sound.
If I stop the urge to squirt I get bartholins gland cysts. If I just give in I can go years without getting a cyst. I’m curious of your opinion on this.
This is speculation, but depending on how you are stopping the urge to squirt, you may be putting undue pressure on the area and not releasing the smooth muscles that control the glandular tissue. That would be an interesting study!
So I’m very confused. This may have been explained and I missed it. I can understand that the mixture coming out comes from the bladder, however what I don’t understand is why it explodes out my vagina rather than leaking or streaming out my urethra. It like someone popped a water balloon in my vagina. It is usually so intense that it pushes my partner out. I’m always embarrassed because now everything is wet and smells like urine. I love the feeling but I can’t control it and can’t just have fun because I’m going to make a mess and the bed will be wet. But I really want to know the science and the inter-workings of how it comes out the vagina rather than the urethra, and how it just explodes. Any insight on this phenomenon would be great and would help make me feel better by being able to explain it to my partner.
Confused – I think that’s the whole point of this study (but unfortunately the sample size was very small). Women should not feel pressure to have to “explain” what’s happening – just enjoy it if it gives you pleasure. It’s a great part of many women’s arousal and/or orgasm that should be celebrated. Maybe you could tell him that that’s just how powerful your pussy is! 🙂
Saying that a scientific study is wrong because the scientists don’t squirt themselves is a load of crap. They do tests and experiments on real women who squirt, they hire these women to perform the studies. It’s not baseless information with no evidence. I’m not taking sides to saying whether or not it comes from the urethra and whether or not it’s urine. But just because your boyfriend felt or saw it come from here or there doesn’t matter because it’s highly likely he’s not a scientist that specializes in this particular area. Obviously every person is different and it feels different for everyone, plus there are different forms of this phenomenon such as female ejaculation as well as squirting. I have squirted before and i still do from time to time. I’m no expert on this but you should respect the people who are, instead of calling them liars.
I have always had orgasims. W/I the last several years they became GREAT. Then the last 2 years we found I urinated during the Big O. Tho my husband doesnt mind, I became self conscious and reluctant to have sex as I can’t stop the pee during orgasim. Is there anything I can do to stop or reduce the pee? I try to go B4 sex. Your Web site is most informative. Thank you.
Chantale should reread the Minho reply. Daer is not misspelled. It is a play on words, ha ha ha. To help you understand what was going on, the corrected spelling would be dare, as in “how dare you” when you don’t know what you’re talking about.
I squirt/gush something fierce and let me tell you, it does NOT come from the vagina! While I may excrete a tiny amount of pee, that is NOT what is coming out of me when I literally SHOOT fluid out of my vagina in HUGE quantities. Across the room at times! I am NOT emptying my bladder when this happens! I can see/feel the fluid coming from my vagina – as can my partner. It’s clear and very thin fluid, soaks through supposed waterproof layers [a picnic blanket with a water resistant nylon backing proved to be useless because this liquid soaked through it to the bed sheets.
reading this forum helps.. This happened recently and both my wife of 30 years and i had no clue what it was .. I was like jackpot baby .. however i think she felt a bit embarrassed .. more so she did not want to talk about it and started to cleanup up ..I want her to feel good about herself and not worry about it …..
You’re a sweet loving husband. Your wife is lucky.
I do squirt a lot during sex, my partner likes it at times but not always since it leaves both of us dirty and we end cleaning it after sex.
Like all other women posted their experience its same with me, i pee before sex and after sex too. I don’t understand the concept of calling Squirting “urine”
Well my question is “Is Squirting good or bad”. If you are someone who Squirt a lot is that safe? what can be the reasons for excessive Squirting?
Looking forward for your response.
Squirting is not “good or bad” – it just is what it is. Enjoy it, it’s not harmful.
Less than an hour ago I had my first squirting experience. Its not urine!! It didn’t come from there!! Fact!!!
I had debated the whole squirting issue with my partner since we met over a year ago. I always believed it was pee and did not believe the whole squirting thing was even real, just people releasing urine while in the throws of an orgasm….. but its completely untrue. Completely.
I had already orgasmed once…twice….and was now orgasming for the third time. He was stimulating clotoris and having intercourse at same time …. I felt an unusual pressure and decided to let go…. it didnt feel like my bladder…. amd it was more of a big gush than squirt…..
The reasons I can say for a fact it was not urine and did NOT come from my bladder are the following:-
– my period ended just two days ago there we’re no traces of old blood or any sign of mt recent period inside my vagina or on my cervix …. all clean. His member had no traces on it after an hour of intercourse….. but the liquid that gushed out was tinted brown, like old blood. It came from my uterus, 100% !!!! My urine is a normal colour, I have no.infections, as I said, my whole vagina area has been clean…. this fluid came from deep and was tinted brown…. my period has just ended. It came from my uterus, definitely.
-the only way I can describe the sensation is that it felt EXACTLY like the sensation of losing all your water and fluid just before giving birth. and actusally a small bit like the sensation just as the baby leaves the cervix and it born and more fluid passes out. Not peeing, giving birth, different systems, different pipes, different fluids.
I’m so excited that I’ve been proved wrong and had a first hand experience to kill all my doubts. I had thought girls, worldwide were peeing on themselves when in fact, now I know, they most certainly are not!!!
Squirting comes from your vaginas bladder… this moron forgot the word bladder.
I have been able to reach orgasm internally for a great length of time, which results in increased lubrication but never any ‘squirting.’ A recent partner had me uncontrollably squirt for the first. I am convinced it is pee but he seems to love it and strives to produce this uncontrollable reaction each time we are have sex now. The jury is out whether I love it or not (it is messy and odd feeling for me), as I love the way I’ve been orgasming all my life. I think it is proof to him that I am “cumming.” I simply rationalized this “squirting” event in my mind as an external orgasm, where what I am used to is an internal orgasm. Is there two different types of female orgasms? Or did I just make up this rationalization in my mind?
Thanks for this description. Women are able to feel orgasms in many different ways – sometimes more internally, sometimes more externally, sometimes a blend of both, sometimes all over their body. There is a lot of variation from person to person as well as even from orgasm to orgasm for many women. Just like with squirting, there is controversy about internal and external orgasms and whether they are all due to stimulation of the clitoris from different locations or whether some women learn to feel pleasure from different points inside their vagina and cervix. I tend to believe the latter, although I do think there are a couple of different ways of stimulating the clitoris as well. Congratulations on your pleasure!
I have found this article very informative in many aspects. As a adult sexually active male who has been on the receiving end of this phenomenon in most cases I have seen that this emission is involuntary and emotionally intense. Yet some I have heard here imply that they can squirt on demand so to speak. This is interesting. I wonder if studies can be made to determine if the makeup of the involuntary emissions are the same for those who consciously bring it forth. Are other muscles, glands, valves at work?
I was always believing that squirting was just pee until it happened to me for the first time at the age of 37. I’ve studied A&P as well as microbiology. I’m a firm believer of science, but let me just say. I can’t deny the fact that I would have to say that the study had to be faulty somehow. Perhaps some women leak a little urine when this happens and that’s why it’s being called pee. When it happened to me, it was shortly before I started my period and the fluid was not urine scented at ALL and trust me, I smelled it and did a serious visual inspection. I’ve had two children and it reminded me of when my waters broke before giving birth. There was a pink tinge to the fluid (blood I’m sure), so unless my bladder was ruptured (I’d be dead by now) or my kidneys are shot (I’d be pissing blood and very sick if that were the case), then my conclusion, especially considering that I did start my period within 2 days (not immediately after) is that the fluid has got to be coming from somewhere other than the bladder. Anatomically, I can’t figure out where/how that much fluid could accumulate that quickly in any other place besides the bladder. Given my personal experience, however, I’ve got to say that I honestly can’t believe that it’s only urine. I hope it never happens to me again though. No one likes to have to avoid a big ass wet spot or change all of the bedding right after love making.
I agree with you 100%! I’m 52 years old and had never had this experience til recently (and believe me, my last partner tried for 4 years. Lol). I was married for 30 years. Nada. My experience is a little different. I squirt long before orgasm, during foreplay. It feels like he’s hitting my G spot and suddenly there’s a feeling like a water balloon popping…or water breaking during delivery, and a relatively small amount of liquid (that is not viscous) is released. It definitely is coming from my vagina as he feels it, sometimes before I do. It’s the consistency of urine but it almost feels like I’ve got a secret valve up there that he opens up. Lol I’ve read repeatedly that women learn to manipulate their bodies by squeezing and releasing…. Please. I never know it’s going to happen til it’s happened. Since this has only been happening for me for a few months I have a sudden interest in what’s going on. Nothing I’ve read sounds like what I’m experiencing, especially since it’s not simultaneously happening with orgasm.
it isjus pee i think
When squirting,is the fluid thick and white-like, and does it dry up into a cake? Or is it liquids which don’t dry up into a cake?
Yes – angel food cake.
When i have sexy or masterbait i do come or squirt
I dont come or squirt
Ejaculate is a small amount of thicker, whitish fluid that can be found at the opening of the urethra. Squirting is clear and a larger amount.
I love (sarcasm) how science (not true science) has become so full of absolutes and how “doctors” have lost all humility and have become the omnipotent end all. A true intellect will never forget the word “maybe”. I pride my self on having become a master at summoning this phenomena from any woman and the verdict is still out as to what this magical substance is! I see a valid points on both sides of the coin. It could be the devils spawn or you could be gushing lucky charms….whatever it is i love it, I love the ear to ear grin the girl has and I love leaving the bed drenched for the maid to clean up (she gets paid well)….a quote from south park “I dunno wendy, I dont trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn’t die .” 😛
I’m just a guy, so I’m never going to know how it feels from a woman’s perspective. I know it’s pretty cool to have happen as a result of something I do. I know that a woman should warn A man ( after nearly drowning) and I know that no mate where the liquid base originates, it had very few similarities to urine. Not all air Is bad breath. Not all air is fart. Not all air is cigarette smoke. Not all air is the smell of fresh pumpkin pie or curry chcken.
But it’s all air. The misconception here is all in the title. Squirting is squirting. It has a fluid that may possibly be begun to be cooked up in the blatter. But when it comes out its not urine. It’s urine based . Like mentioned earlier.. Whiskey is Whiskey. Wine is Wine. And orange cream soda is orange cream soda. But of you put them all in a bottle and call it watet, Noone will pay 3100 dollars for the Louis XIII they don’t know is inside. But.. it’s all water based.
Word association is where the problem hit in this article . The word blatter means piss. The word urethra is whee people think piss comes from . So if it co.es from the blatter through the urethra it’s piss.
Anyone been to McDonald’s all and used the drink machine that says coke across the top of it lately.
And yep.. I misspelled some words.. it’s late.. I’m tired. . And just read a million characters of ridiculous bickering. I apologose if it makes my I.Q. look lower. Bottom line is: ladies, keep it up. We love it, or we’ll let you know. And if your man doesn’t like it.. kick him to the bricks as if he asked you to change your hair, clothes, job, or stop talking to your mom – because it’s part of you.
Who ever doesnt know what squirting is shouldn’t be ashamed no one knows what it is sometimes it’s all pee and sometimes it’s just clear and not to be gross or anything but sometime it even tastes sweet even scientists don’t know I don’t know what it is and it comes out of me.
Hi Madeleine, can I ask a question? As a male, I adore giving oral sex to a woman. I have a new partner, and she says that she would love to squirt in my mouth. I’m happy for her to do this, as long as I know that I can’t get infection?
Kevin – most sexual activity (especially genital contact) runs the risk of transmitting infections when the partner has an infection (such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomonas, Herpes, HPV, HIV, Hepatitis, etc.)
Thank you for a well presented article, doctor.
Unfortunately, some people did not understand your intent. I have experienced both “squirting” and being peed on because they had a romantic notion about squirting.
I agree that there should be no shame. What I get annoyed at is the fad-like appeal that a large number of women and men have embraced. Some don’t think that they have “done their job” (men thinking they can and should control women’s sexual pleasure also annoys me) unless they make a woman squirt. Some women feel inadequate if they don’t squirt.
I totally agree with you that it should be seen as a preference (if i did understand you clearly).
Some women like men to ejaculate all over them, others don’t.
It would be nice if we could just enjoy sex in any consensual manner we please, in the moment, without stigmas of ANY kind attached.
You expressed similar sentiment, and I applaud you for it.
Thank you Roger. Yes, I don’t think it’s positive if people feel pressure to learn how to squirt (make it a mission) or think that their pleasure and/or orgasms are insufficient if they don’t squirt. For many people, it seems to have become this external indicator of sexual success, when the real success is about an internal feeling that comes in many different forms and varies from experience to experience.
I’m a little confused and curious. I have a disease where everytime I pee it’s dark orange but when I squirt it’s clear. I pee a few times before sex but I still squirt. It doesn’t gush out it just (like baby oil) runs down. Does that still mean it’s pee? I don’t want to be peeing on my husband so can I please get clarity?
What you are doing is just fine. The body knows what it’s doing, and if it gives you pleasure, then it enhances your experience. I don’t know what disease you are speaking about that makes your urine so dark, but you want to check how your liver and bile duct are working. Also your metabolism of different foods can cause the urine color to be dark. Physiology of the kidneys is affected during sexual arousal, and scientific information is still growing on the effects of oxytocin and other natriuretic peptides on the kidneys. Bottom line – enjoy yourself.
This is just my 2 cents. Female squirt is fluid urine from bladder that is clean fluid within the body like saliva. Much different than urine pee “waste” that is fluid processed for peeing. That explains why squirt fluids do not have the stink and coloring of pee.
People who never have squirted before don’t have any rights to write about what they think about squirting! It’s a way different feeling than peeing and it’s clear/slight cloudy looking liquid. It smells a little funny but definitely not urine smell!! I know because I have a very strong odor when I pee and when I squirt it doesn’t smell even close to that at all!! Plus it’s a different sensation, some women may or may not pee but women who have squirted before know they did! Most of the time it comes way lot and the walls inside the vagina tries to squeeze out the male part inside me and comes out the liquid way too fast where I pee really slow!! My man can even feel it inside when my vagina squeezes the hell out of him when I get that sensation right before coming out.
Yea definitely not pee! Sorry couldn’t agree with this post!
So, according to scientific studies what is the composition of that liquid?
Mario – you can check out the abstract to the study here, which mentions what they found.
When you think on it, it’s a highly questionable experience,. When I was young I never did squirt during sex with my boyfriends.i never knew anything about it until I was way in my mid twenties is when I started experiencing it all the time. It felt so different to where I doubted if I ever had an orgasam those earlier times cause this feeling was so GOOD!!loland I wanted to know where it came from however it was crazy..I knew I would squirt during sex then it became I can squirt multiply times without stopping and it wasn’t a bearing down to push out like when urinating this liquid would just pop right out and flow like a water fall..and sometimes gush!! I know when I’m peeing and I feel the pressure of my belly when I pee.. If you look at the woman vagina we have a small whole which is the clitoris and that’s where urine comes out then there is two small wholes in the small soft tissue I (I don’t know the name) which is inside the vagina..THAT IS WHERE THE LIQUID COMES OUT.. I had to know so I made myself squirt!!yes MYSELF and there I saw the liquid…
Either way squirting is nasty in my opinion. I would throw up if I was eating someone and they squirted on me.
So you’re saying it’s not for you. Thank you for your opinion.
SO, what we see in the porn movies, a big a enhanced female “ejaculation” under the tags of “squirt” what are really?
It’s a combination. Some women in porn either squirt naturally or have learned to squirt, whereas others have admitted that they fill the vaginal with a large amount of water and then push it out for the scene with the whole thing edited. Between editing, camera angles, movement, and anatomy, it’s very difficult to know exactly what’s happening in porn.
I just squirted for the 1st time ever at 50 & it happened with a bullet. I had to Google to see what was happening to me
So I love reading about this, I do squirt but like every women has said I have emptied my bladder before and me and my husband know the excact spot to make me squirt and when I do I am pretty sure I can fill about 2-3large mason jars. And then still pee after wards. There’s no smell no color no anything, I wish there was a researcher here where I live because I would love to volunteer to get more information to educate other women about this. I have friends that want me to show them how to do it lol it’s pretty cool but I disagree that it’s pee since it has no color smell and there no way I can pee that long!!
I think the 7 women study performed by some unknown “doctors” is a joke.
I am experiencing squirting with my wife for years now. Every time (100 %) the liquid had no color, smell or taste (just like the water).
The stupid study is practical saying that is pee but totally different ?
Again, my wife is squiring multiple times every time we have sex. 100% of the cases the liquid has no color or smell. Not even a small stain on my white shirt sleeve or on the bed sheet. Her pee is yellow and the smell not very nice. How is this possible ????
Please stop bullshitting people with some obscure 7 women study.
I’m so glad we could keep you laughing!
it actually has no urea in it and has high PBA proteins which would indicate that it is pancreatic in nature. You need to do your homework or take samples of your own squirting before you tell everyone it is urine. I can say 100% – it is not urine.. I probably think you have not ever squirted, or you would know beyond a doubt as well that it is not urine.
Could you provide your reference source because I’ve not heard of this. Also, how does it travel from the pancreas to the genitals – through the GI tract, through the circulation? What is the anatomical connection? And how would it separate from other elements in the GI tract or the blood specifically? And what are PBA proteins exactly (is this a typo to mean PSA)?
You’re the doctor. Find out!
🙂 The point is – there is no connection from the pancreas to the genitals that would allow for clear fluid to travel this way. The pancreas secretes enzymes into the intestines and insulin into the bloodstream. There is no anatomical connection from pancreas to genitals. Trust me, I have dissected it. Also, there is PSA in ejaculate and squirting (because it has to pass through the area where ejaculate is made), but no PBA. But your statement seemed so dire with an exclamation point, I thought I should answer.
This study will only make women feel more ashamed for no reason. Please ladies feel free to enjoy the pleasure and have no shame of inhibitions.
I can accept that maybe that liquid is produced by the kidneys but is not pee as long as the liquid has no smell or color.
No, shame comes from a negative value judgment that each person places on something, not from a study. And yes, please enjoy the pleasure and have no shame (or) inhibitions.
Its not urine, once had energetic sex with my lover. it took me 30mins to get the sudden Gush, it dried instantly and there was no smell of urine. We have never had it again despite attempt. The experience was frightening at first bt we later laughed about. A Urethra gives a small stream but this was a wide stream(gush) making me think it was from the Vagina whose mouth is wider than the URETHRA. THe fluid was very clear and non viscous. NO SMELL OF URINE AT ALL, and no staining was left. At first i thought I had hit something like a Batholin Cyst but it wasnt the case
Am A DOC by the way
Can someone please help me out with this subject? When googling I get equal answers that it’s pee and that it’s not so I’m just more confused. I do have this happen to me on occasion in small amounts. Only when I am very turned on and it doesn’t happen during orgasm. Except that it comes out on its own, I don’t push I don’t feel it coming out and I don’t even know that it’s happening. I’m really confused by this because there’s just no answers. I’m not ashamed by it because it only happens with one person who I’m completely comfortable with. But I’d still like to know what’s really going on down there…
Anne – obviously, there is still quite a bit of confusion, and even researchers have limited information as to why it happens naturally for some women and not for others (or just sometimes). Rather than look for more explanations, enjoy it!
My ex wife could fill a bucket after i was done going down on her. She also did the same while I was inside her. We was in an old hospital bed which keep the fluid in one area. She love It.
just squrted last night and it felt so good my bf loved it
[comment removed]
Look I know there is some study out there that confirms that the fluid is coming from the bladder. But the fact is that perhaps there are different phenomenons going on here and what was studied confirms one phenomenon. To apply that one study to all situations is not scientific. For the more I think it is irresponsible for any doctor or scientist to apply the results of that one study to all situations or all people as they do not know what is going on actually with everyone or every situation. Instead scientist or doctor should give weight to the things that people are saying and have an open mind, thinking that quite possibly there is something else that perhaps the study did not capture. The phenomenon that many are explaining and that they are sure it is not urine I can attest to as I have been a party to two types of quote unquote squirting. One phenomenon that I’ve experienced was clearly urine, another phenomenon is clearly coming from the vagina. The fact that I can confirm it comes from the vagina is because I am very well endowed very thick, and the woman that I’m referring to squirted only after removing my penis from her vagina and after I removed my penis can the fluid. Furthermore she would squirt while I was giving her oral and my mouth was covering her uretha yet she still squirted out of her vagina my mouth did not catch anything coming from the uretha so it seems that the study that confirms its urine could not be in this situation it had to be a different phenomenon. As a doctor or a scientist please be open minded to the fact that there is possibly something else going on outside of what was studied.
I’m a 56 year old male my spouse is 36 year old female. And whatever the studies find it gives me great pleasure in making her do this. Whether it’s from oral stimulation of her clit or from my throbbing penis during intercourse the look in her eyes at time of release is all the evidence that I need. Because after all the act of sex is about pleasure and release !!!
I have watched my lady squirt and orgasm an I even watched her ultimate orgasm an Studies I read says that the liquid has components that are in pee but it’s not pee which I believe there are plenty of scientists that explain the muscles that are used an the muscles used to make a woman squirt are different from the muscles used in urinating this topic is so confusing
I have watched my lady Squirt many times an it is always white like an it looks like male ejaculation are you telling me that it’s urine
If it looks like that and it is a small amount (about a teaspoon), then that is ejaculate, not squirting.
I squirt. It’s not pee. It feels good. The texture is silky. It doesn’t smell like pee. I recommend it to every female. Drink lots of liquid. Pee before stim. Squirt all over. 🙂
its amazing to hear all these beautiful stories. I have never experienced it with any lady. but I think it’s definitely not urine after the various testimonies by our great ladies . I wish to experience it myself with a lady.
Im 16 and my health teachers making the class read this for homework
i am probably past the age to be involved but my memory serves me well and the overriding fact is that “squirt” liquid tastes really good ,i may have missed this comment but have not seen this mentioned,the taste is really sweet ,just reminisences of an old man but hope it helps
I felt the sensation from squirting not that long ago. I didn’t believe in it either until it happened to me. I was high and totally relaxed and into what my husband was doing and all of a sudden I felt drop of water on myself, I opened my eyes only to see this liquid squirting from my private area. I was totally embarrassed thinking I had pee’d but my husband grabbed me and told me he loved it. I am not able to squirt on command and it only happens when my husband wants it to. I am not peeing and would know if I was. I hate that this is even a question because so many women are scared to let loose because of these scientist and doctors. I have waited until the next day to even smell the spot and it NEVER smells like urine!!! My husbands main goal is my pleasure and his is mine. We love it
I’m going home and having my wife, squirt, pee, or gush all over me. I don’t care what a couple white coats discovered and claimed to be fact. I agreed more with many of the user responses than the studies. In the end, who cares what it is if both partners like it? At least it’s not a hot Carl…
i have seen lot of squirting clips, but really dont know what was it. Now i come to know that its urine
thanks for explaining
Humans are so funny. Why do humans know the truth but still deny it, or find a way to make themselves believe what would fit them most. First of all, I’m a man and I have helped women in my past ejaculate and squirt. I have been with my wife now for 10 years and I finally got her to ejaculate and squirt around 5 years into our relationship. wow, what a workout took five year’s.lol, She was one of you girls that have never came on a man without rubbing one out while you’re bring pounded..lol.. she could cum many times a day before me, just not with a man penetrating her. Her partners must have just been too selfish or did not get off on the woman getting off. I had her cumming in a week if that. all she needed was some pressure (grinding) I guess you could call it. but about five years in I just happen to be on my game and was getting crazy deep. You know when somehow you have her legs up ass up maybe a little twisting and turning and then you just find that perfect position. Anyway, back to the pounding hard and fast but in that way were the out and in is fast and the hit is hard and solid. but instead of just pulling right back out I would hold the hit for a good second or two letting the pressure and me sink in, you know right?. Anyway, while doing that she ejaculated for the 1st time. Soon after play with that a few separate time that week, I got her to squirt now she can do it anytime. Anyway, the point is I have Exp with both EJ and SQ even before my beautiful wife saved my dumb ass. It’s pee ladies. Why do we do that? Tell ourselves, it’s not really all that bad for us but it is very bad. We believe 90% of all the lies on TV and commercials we believe politics. Hell human will watch some guy on YouTube and then swear by what he said. WTF we know the truth and still find a way not to believe it. If you think that this diamond you have is from a special cave in Africa and because of that its way more! special than other diamonds because the man that gave it to you 15 years ago said so. Then you had specialist test it and he or she said “no those diamonds have a distinctive feature and yours does not have that” sorry it’s just a regular diamond. Within the first mile of leaving that place, you would convince yourself that he didn’t know anything and is wrong. Then you would tell the next friend you made, “look at my African diamond” It not like other diamonds. I hate this about us humans. My entire life I have focused and not being that way, I have done many wrong things in my life but the one thing I’ve based my life on is reality and truth. Just stop! it’s proven to be pee for christ sake, so its pee he tasted this she smelled that WTFE its pee deal with it! love it and do it more, squirt all over that big fat cock. Who fucking cares what it is, if you like it and it turns you on. NO ONE CARES Sorry I was venting there my wife called me over to read this article and I just was like the fucking pussification of people now a day’s really. if it has been proven then it’s proven that’s it Over Done.. have a good night.
As the husband of of wife that squirt a lot i can tell you it is pee 🙂 Why i can say that … because i love to taste it, and a lot! Clearly coming from the urethra. If you put a good quantity of that pee in a glass you will see that it is some time yellowish. Anyway it taste pee. may be just more diluted as it were produce in a rush and fast. Good study mentioned above “Nature and Origin of “Squirting” in Female Sexuality” Tatally agree with their conclusion. I just find funny people think the contrary.
I’d love to think that feeling shame about the thought that when we squirt we are, in actuality, peeing all over our partner is simply a personal value we place on our own experiences. In actuality, society places that value for us. According to Wikipedia, British law forbids pornography that depicts a female squirting because the censorship board regards it to be synonymous with peeing and that is considered to be “obscene”. So, essentially the message delivered there is that women who squirt/pee during sex are deviants. No wonder so many of the women who have posted comments here are upset when a study supports this premise that squirting = peeing and society tells us that peeing during sex = obscenity.
It is difficult to give credence to this study. A very small sample was used. Lengthy interruptions to perform ultrasounds create atypical results. Subjects would have felt increased pressure to “perform” and this perhaps would have led to involuntary incontinence (too much attempt to force it) in their desire to produce results. This study needs to be expanded and replicated before its results are reported as fact. I respect science as much as the next person but experiments are not fail proof and can lead to erroneous conclusions.
It is disrespectful to give so much credit to one limited study and blatantly disregard the anecdotal testimonials of women. I know that the conclusions the researchers drew from their study do not even come close to explaining my own experiences and it feels a little insulting to be asked to disregard my own experiences. Is it possible to completely void one’s bladder in the toilet and then achieve a squirting climax a scant sixty seconds (no exaggeration) later if one’s bladder is the source of the squirting fluid? It seems hard to believe.
I think it is helpful to present studies like this within the context of their limitations and with the caveat that much more needs to be done before we can draw absolutes on any conclusions.
It is a delight to read this very cogent and though-out reply! I agree that the shame is generated at a cultural/societal level. This is precisely why I attempt to normalize this (as well as other aspects of sexuality) with my work and with this blog. It’s not that there is disregard for the anecdotal testimonials of women – it’s just that the purpose here is to present the findings as they were studied and open up the conversation around it. The most helpful position would be to have a much larger study that included a variety of women with a variety of experiences to examine what is happening in each of these instances. I am a clinician and don’t conduct this type of research, but I agree that the sample size for the study was pathetic. That said, there are still anatomical considerations as to where such a volume of fluid could be stored if not the bladder. The biggest difficulty is perhaps that there is no real interest from groups that have enough money to do studies of such scale (pharmaceutical companies, NIH, National Academy of Sciences) in squirting and female ejaculation.
What brought me here is last night my wife squirted a bit, she has done it before in greater volume. But this time I had a very good view. It did not come from her urehtra at all. The problem with the french study is at the very start, it says:
“During sexual stimulation, some women report the discharge of a noticeable amount of fluid from the urethra”
But when i read the commits I hear woman and men saying the fluid released does not come from the urethra at all. I can assure you last night it did not.
So if you are doing a study asking for subjects who release fluid from their urethra, what do you get?
You get what you want: Urine!
All the study did was ban Squirting videos in the UK because Urinating on screen is not legal.
James – it would be tempting to think this way but this study had a very small sample size, and the inclusion criteria did not specify from where the women were squirting. This was actually the whole point of the study – to find out from where. Also, this study did not get squirting banned from UK porn. As you can see in this article, there was a lot more to it than that. Cheers.
To Michelle, you said you had visited the upmost expert of female health in your state. I’m curious what state you were in and what the doctors name was. I’d like to find out what the name of that minor surgery you said he spoke about. Thank you ever so much.
Hi all. Hi Doc. Funny, the same thing that drew many women here is the same reason I’m on your site! And my own story is much like the others…in my 30’s, never really had any experiences like this before until my fiancé who I’ve been with for 5 years. All I can say is I think as we get older we become more comfortable with our bodies in general and how they react. My fiancé is well endowed and I’ve never been as turned on by anyone like I am him and I’ve also never been as comfortable with anyone as I am him. The perfect storm lol. I’ve always been fairly “wet” but this is totally new. I notice that it happens when he’s really hitting my g-spot good and I’ve had a couple of orgasms already. And almost always with anal (don’t judge;) I mean I will just squirt like a fountain. I always know when it’s about to happen and there is a definite build up of pressure. My God, it is the absolute best feeling in the world. We’re talking waves of pleasure, my body is pulsing, it’s the BEST. Sometimes it’s a thicker substance but sometimes when it’s super intense and I’m rubbing my fingers over my clit while he’s banging me it’s, um, slippery-er :)) copious amounts. I really don’t care what it is, it’s friggin amazing. It doesn’t ever smell like pee to me, it always smells sweet and it is the ultimate. I love that us “squirters” of the world have a place to *come* to share our experiences! And, oh, if the doc hasn’t experienced this, that’s really none of our business, but hopefully she has lots and lots of fun getting to test all of this out 🙂 I know I would be crazy turned on watching all of those lovely ladies do their thing. What a cool job. Much love.
This topic really hits home for me. I have recently become a squirter – i dont like it as i have always been under the impression it was urine and i hate to think i was peeing on someone. As for some of the ladies commenting here about peeing, squirting and peeing more, i have peed, emptied, forced orgasmed, soaked an entire towel AND the bed, gotten up, gone to the toilet and peed again. No – the squirt has no scent, it is not sticky like urine can be and it is colourless. You can smell and touch the towel when it is dry, and there is NO scent, NO stickiness etc.
I have read previously – source forgotten unfortunately – that inside the urethra, there is a tiny opening with its only little ‘bladder’ possibly within the walls of the urethra itself, that during orgasm or close to, that will release its collection and hence why URINE is detected – its coming from the same pipe network… Just like Ejaculat (sp) does.
Im glad im not the only one now – Master went to town on me Friday night and i did it twice – unfortunately i didnt muscularly orgasm though.
I’m curious…. If one were to test a woman’s vaginal lubrication that happens during normal sex before any “squirting” occurred, isn’t it plausible there would be trace amounts of urine present merely due to the proximity of the urethra and the quite likely event that the woman went pee before engaging in sex?
If we can agree on this concept, then surely we can agree that normal vaginal lubrication is not pee despite the presence of urine. Therefore, the presence of some urine in the sample of the “squirting” liquid does not conclusively prove that the liquid came from the bladder.
Numerous women (and men) have offered personal experiences claiming the liquid did not come out of their urethra, but rather from somewhere deeper in the vagina. The next logical place to consider would be the cervix. In fact, numerous women have claimed the experience felt much the sensation of the their water breaking during child birth.
I know that the cervix has a natural mucus like substance acting like a door way to the uterus. This mucus plug is known to thin and thicken during the menstrual cycle and also during sexual activity. In fact, when a woman is extremely sexually excited, the cervix extends and the mucus plug become extremely thin so it can receive the male’s ejaculate.
Isn’t it possible that for some women, their mucus thins to such an extent that the uterus is able expel some liquid through the cervix at a high rate of speed? The uterus is certainly powerful enough to expel a baby, so I don’t think its a stretch to think that it could also expel liquid with a significant amount of force. The trace amounts of urine in this instance would likely simply be picked up as the vagina was flushed out, so to speak.
On a separate note, I think many of the people on here are comparing apples to oranges. It is entirely possible that *some* woman are actually releasing urine from their bladder and that the study that has been referenced was completely valid in its findings. *Some*other woman might be experiencing a uterus liquid being expelled through their cervix. And both sets of woman labeling this “squirting” when in fact the two processes are vastly different.
Regardless of where it comes from, it it feels good, go with it.
Jay – no, there would not normally be urine present in vaginal lubrication in response to sexual arousal. Also, the moisture produced in the vagina and cervix is a small amount of continuous exudate – more like sweating. It is not sufficient to produce the phenomenon of squirting. There is also no “uterus liquid.” But I do agree that wherever it comes from, if it feels good and you like it, go with it!! 🙂
One of the tips to get to squirt during sex is drinking a lot of water. That advice by itself tells a lot about its origin.
I am a girl and have tasted various liquid from my vagina. The vaginal lubrication when slightly aroused, my ‘honey’ after orgasm, squirt, pee, menstrual blood, and also menstrual blood that is mixed with ‘honey’.
From all the tastes I have tested I have my own conclusion. Is squirt = pee? No. Is squirt not pee? No either. For me, squirt is a mix of pee with the vaginal lubrication. So it has the taste of both.
Urine itself is not always salty or smelly, it depends on your diet and drinks, if you are currently sick or not, how long you let it stays in the bladder, and so on. If one goes drinking a lot of water and in one hour pee, that pee will taste mostly mild like water.