“Working with Dr. Castellanos, the fire is back in our relationship!”

Relationships shouldn’t be so-so.  Reclaim the extraordinary joy in yours.  Achieve deeper connection, satisfying communication, mind-blowing sex.

“Working with Dr. Castellanos, the fire is back in our relationship!”

Relationships shouldn’t be so-so.  Reclaim the extraordinary joy in yours.  Achieve deeper connection, satisfying communication, mind-blowing sex.

Sex Therapy

For couples and individuals, be it physical, psychological, emotional, or relational issues that might be blocking you, Dr. Castellanos, 24 years a licensed psychiatrist, certified AASECT sex therapist and certified functional medicine physician, can help you achieve deeply satisfying sexual experiences.

Couples Therapy

Passionate and extraordinary relationships are built on honesty, deep communication, connection, and trust. Clear out the obstacles that are preventing you from transforming yours into a powerful and life-giving one.

Individual Therapy

The key to having the happiest, most fulfilled life is to learn about the dynamic issues that affect how you view the world and others, and how you respond to those perceptions.  Learning to identify and clear out the patterns that no longer serve you is crucial to having deep connection and happiness.

Hormone Therapy

Good hormone balance is protective of all systems in the body, including heart, brain, muscles, bones and joints.  Learn how you can maximize your wellness while improving your metabolism overall by having the right hormone balance.

Wanting to Want

Book:  Wanting To Want

The reasons for lack of sexual desire and pleasure can be complicated. In her fabulous book, Dr. Castellanos breaks down the most common dynamics that can suppress pleasure and squash desire. Learn what might be interfering in your life and relationship, preventing maximum arousal and sexual pleasure. Each chapter includes clear and helpful exercises to eliminate barriers that keep you from the full expression of your sexual self.

Readers share the following learnings:

  • How anxiety can diminish or even eliminate your pleasure
  • How to reduce thoughts and ideas blocking your full sexual expression
  • How to nurture your sexual self and cultivate sexual power
  • How to overcome negative feelings that can damage desire and your relationship

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Dr Madeleine Castellanos

Dr. Castellanos

Dr. Castellanos specializes in helping people transformed their relationships into the passionate and mind-blowing experiences that they are truly capable of.