How Big is Too Big

You’ll almost never hear a guy complain that his penis is too big. If you do, it’s because his partner is uncomfortable with it, it’s so big that he’s losing consciousness when he gets an erection, or he’s trying to wear outfits that suggest he doesn’t have one. But usually men are concerned about whether their penis is large enough. Often, their sense of identity is closely tied to the size of their penis and their ideas about it.

As more and more people are getting their sex ed and ideas about human anatomy from porn, I see an increasing number of men who think that their penis is too small. They may the point that guys in porn films are usually chosen because of their size, their ability to get it up and keep it up, and their comfort in being able to do sex scenes with twenty people standing around and sometimes breaking for lunch.

Although there is a great deal of variation, the average penis when erect is about 5 1/2 – 6 inches long. Considering that the average vagina is about 3 inches deep, an average size guy will certainly be able to reach her cervix with his erection. Even when she is aroused and the vagina expands another inch or so, it still isn’t as deep as the length of the average guy. And for men that are enjoying anal sex, it only takes about 4 inches to stimulate the prostate with anal penetration.

But back to the problem of being too big. When you ask women, most would agree that girth is usually more important than length when it comes to enjoying being vaginally penetrated. This is because of all of the erectile tissue that surrounds the opening of the vagina which is stimulated when she is penetrated. The average width of an erect penis is about 4 3/4 inches around. Usually it isn’t until about over 6 inches in circumference that some partners will start to feel it becomes a little challenging.

If a guy is too wide, it could be quite uncomfortable for her, especially if it causes too much stretching of the labia. When a woman is premenopausal, she has more elasticity of the tissues, which allows them to stretch gradually to whatever she needs. This becomes more difficult after menopause because of the decrease in both estrogen and testosterone. If her partner is quite wide, she may need to learn some relaxation breathing as well as learn to relax her PC muscles and use plenty of lube. This should be done gently, and at her pace to prevent tearing of the tissues. The same is true for the bottom in anal sex (the one being penetrated) if the top has a wide erection. Girth also becomes an issue if a man’s erect penis is too large to fit in one’s mouth, which could seriously place limits on the amount of oral sex he can receive.

When it comes to length, a woman’s vagina stretches during intercourse. But many times women find it uncomfortable to be knocked about by the head of her partner’s penis if he is thrusting too deep at an uncomfortable angle. If she has pain with deep penetration, she may have endometriosis that forms scar tissue which prevents stretching of the tissues. Otherwise, you may be hitting her cervix a little too directly. Changing the angle by changing positions could be helpful. In considering long erections for oral sex, it is important to remember that the tip of the erection and the area just below the head are the most sensitive parts. This means that a man does not have to have his entire erection completely in his partner’s mouth in order to get a good blow job. If he does like to have it completely taken into the mouth, he is probably more excited with the visual image and the idea of it getting completely enveloped rather than the actual physical sensation.

Too big usually comes down to the comfort level of the partner. If it seriously interferes with the amount of sexual intercourse a man gets, then he would probably consider himself too large. If you have a very large penis, give your partner time to lube, relax, and stretch. Breathing and getting very aroused are extremely important. You almost never find a penis so large that a man would pass out when erect. That would require about a liter of blood to be displaced by his erection alone, and his body would already have accommodated over time by maintaining a larger than average blood volume. But it is interesting to think about.


Dr. Castellanos is a psychiatrist specializing in sex therapy for over 25 years, including treatment with bio-identical hormones, and functional medicine consultations. You can follow her on Instagram at thesexmd, Facebook at The Sex MD, and X at @DrCastellanos.


  1. eammon August 23, 2011 at 2:56 pm - Reply

    Although I dont have this “curse”, I am certain it can be concerning for some guys since too large could intimidating for most women. I guess I am average and happy with it because it is comfortable for my wife and allows her to do things that large guys couldnt have other than in the porn movies. Us guys need to be realistic with ourselves. Sure, a 10 inch tool would be nice but there are few women that could handle it. Then there is the size of the womens opening. If it is small and combined with a tree trunk, I am sure it would be painful for both the guy and the woman. There is also the deep throat factor. Mine can be; a utility pole couldnt be other than by a circus performer. (LOL)

    • Ace November 19, 2015 at 11:54 am - Reply

      I’ve just started dating a woman who is a virgin and I’m slightly worried that I will hurt her too much. My length varies between 7.75″ and 8″ and by girth at the base is close to 6″. While being large is fun for myself it may not be fun for her if we start to have sex.

      • Madeleine Castellanos November 30, 2015 at 12:11 pm - Reply

        Each woman is different in what they enjoy and what they able to tolerate. Learning to relax is a great way to get started. Don’t assume ahead of time.

  2. JimDPhD July 12, 2015 at 2:59 pm - Reply

    Size is always a concern, but guys of any length or girth need to also concentrate on making sure the tool is in good overall health. More guys need to use a top notch penis health crème (..removed..) to address unwanted odor, dry/flaky skin, loss of sensation, etc.

    • Madeleine Castellanos July 19, 2015 at 6:10 pm - Reply

      This is absolutely not true. Sorry.

  3. nancy August 23, 2015 at 11:43 am - Reply

    I disagree my boyfriend penis is too large don’t get me wrong I love it but after sex I sometimes feel as if my insides are not normal …

    • Madeleine Castellanos August 25, 2015 at 10:49 am - Reply

      There are definitely some men whose anatomy makes it uncomfortable for you. If you feel that something is wrong (not normal) afterwards, you should definitely ask you Gyn about it. There is a different sensation after intercourse, which is usually a buzzing, vibrating feeling from blood flow, or sometimes a little aching or heaviness from engorgement of erectile tissue, or even a little soreness from friction. But is should not feel abnormal.

  4. derric December 29, 2015 at 12:20 pm - Reply

    I unfortunately have that problem I’ve had some girls who like the size but some don’t I’ve even had some girls put there clothes back on and say no way being 10 1/2 inches is cool but I’ve found it to be a curse

  5. Som January 31, 2016 at 5:55 pm - Reply

    It is fact that almost all the young men are anxious about the size of penis. Studies indicate that the average size worldwide is 5” to 7”. Above 7” up to 9” and below 5” to 3.5” are rare and above 9” and below 3.5” are very rare. There may be some difference in girth of the organ. The female organ can adjust with smaller size and it has been proved that normal female organ can adjust with even above average penis also, if due care is given in the beginning period. The important thing that partners have in mind is the sexual activity is the enjoyment with satisfying each other. I am of 5” and my wife was very much satisfied with it from the honeymoon days and now, even after 3 normal deliveries we experience no problem such as lack of tightness or orgasm. Both we used to practice pelvic fitness exercise and every time we prefer satisfy each other. One of my friends is of only 3 inches. He has two children and both husband and wife are fully satisfied in sexual life. In short I dare to say that size of the organ (3” or 9”) is not much important in sexual life but the attitude towards the sex is very important.

    • Madeleine Castellanos March 14, 2016 at 8:14 pm - Reply

      Som – yes! The attitude is the most important! Thank you.

  6. MalamGaske February 9, 2016 at 1:45 am - Reply

    Is there any way to increase my size from about 8 inches to 10 inches and my girth from about 6″ to 6.5″ around? I want to be able to impress just about any woman in this world. If possible I wouldn’t mind being as long as a 12 inch ruler. But I don’t think it’s possible.

    • Madeleine Castellanos March 14, 2016 at 8:40 pm - Reply

      So cute.

  7. Freddy May 23, 2017 at 4:42 pm - Reply

    I came here hoping to avoid stereotypes and misconceptions. It didn’t work. Vagina is only 3″ deep? I don’t think so. I’m 6.5″ long, and the only way I could ever bang into my wife’s cervix was when she was straddling me. And then there’s all those porn movies I’ve seen where he has at least 10″ and she’s taking the whole thing. You can’t fake that. I’m not married anymore, but my girlfriend said to me that she wished I was a bit thicker, because she could hardly feel it inside her. So, I’m a bit above average size, and I’ve seen a lot of cocks, and I can tell you that the average penis is only about four and a half inches. Bigger than seven inches is a bit rare. So, except for very inexperienced women, most prefer more than most men have. Why try to pretend otherwise?

    • Madeleine Castellanos June 8, 2017 at 10:07 am - Reply

      Freddy, don’t forget that the vagina is a muscular structure that stretches considerably to accommodate a large range in sizes. This means that the vagina can stretch easily if it receives larger objects on a regular basis. This is the physiology behind dilator therapy, as well as the mechanism behind comfort with large erections such as seen in some porn. Also, the cervix is not positioned exactly at the end of the vagina, but instead just off to the side of the top. This means that you won’t “bang into” it in some positions, but might in others (depending on the angle).

  8. jman May 28, 2017 at 10:57 am - Reply

    After reading this I know I would have to relax and take it slow because im an 8.5 think and I think 6 wide.

  9. jesse August 19, 2017 at 12:13 pm - Reply

    so if you have intercourse more frequently the better to help with length and girth being rather large and plenty of lube?

  10. Teddy October 16, 2017 at 7:09 pm - Reply

    My wife says my size is “Not Normal” and it causes painful sex. I think it is causing intamacy issues for our young marriage. Because she isn’t enjoying it, and I do not feel comfortable it creates a barrier to initiation. What would you recommend to help us with intiating more frequently? I’m 6′ long and 6′ in girth. I try to always do foreplay, is there anything else that can be done for comfort besides lube?

    • Madeleine Castellanos October 23, 2017 at 5:02 pm - Reply

      The average girth for an erect penis is about 4.5 inches, although most women don’t have discomfort even when the girth is 5″ or a little more. What you are describing is a little larger, but the vagina is designed to learn to accommodate to larger sizes. The key is high levels of arousal, lubrication, and allowing her to control the rate of penetration. She may need to have penetration proceed very slowly, and stopping to relax until she feels comfortable. With regular activity, it helps to stretch the muscles of the opening of the vagina. Also, if she is up for it, you can very gently work on stretching the opening with your fingers (this should be done only if she is aroused, lubricated, relaxed, and in agreement with the exercise) by pushing a little to each side and holding it. Some couples find a way to incorporate this into foreplay and G-spot massage.

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