Masters of Sex Explained – Why Women Fake Orgasm

Leave it to Showtime to give us great scenes like the one in its Pilot episode of Masters of Sex (Season 1, Episode 1). The scene shows Dr. William Masters going over some study results with one of his “subjects” who happens to be a prostitute that he observes while she works at a brothel. As he is commenting on the length of her orgasm, she tells him that she faked it.

“You pretended to have an orgasm?”

All the women in the audience are left chuckling as Dr. Masters asks if it’s a common practice among prostitutes, but then is schooled by his subject: “It’s a common practice among anyone with a t#^!.” It’s fairly easy for women to fake orgasm, even if many men like to think that they can tell the difference. Ironically, the same fervor that drives some men to try to figure out if his partner had a real orgasm or try to qualify her orgasm is one of the reasons why women fake orgasms. A constant focus on orgasm as a goal causes a disconnection from the partner and the pleasure being experienced with a partner. Instead, some women choose the “acting” route to take the orgasm pressure out of their sex so they can enjoy the experience itself.

What arouses men?

Some women will tell you that they fake their orgasms because they find that their men become much more aroused at the sight and sound of their “orgasm.” If an actual orgasm isn’t in the cards for that interaction, some women might think they are stepping it up if they fake it. Unfortunately, this only ends up setting up the woman for continued displays of passions – even if she isn’t feeling it – in order to assure her partner that everything is just as exciting. It’s never good when one lie just leads to more lies, and the woman faking it is the one missing out!

Is porn making it worse?

In our modern age of readily accessible porn, there is an increasing expectation that women will be very vocal in sex because of the almost-instantaneous and excessive moaning that women in porn portray. If “life imitates art”, then you might expect that because of porn, women everywhere will be putting on a show for their partners in order to match the changing expectations of what sex is like. Not all women are as vocal as the ones seen in pornography, but many are feeling the pressure to “perform.”

It’s not that difficult, really.

The truth is that faking an orgasm is really not that difficult. For women, especially, learning how to coordinate some muscular contractions while you change your breathing is most of it. Some women will even create physical changes such as goose bumps by squeezing their PC muscles of the pelvic floor to simulate the contractions of orgasm. I don’t care what man out there tells you that he can tell the difference, there are always women who can fake it better. Interestingly, some women find that while rapidly contracting their muscles trying to fake an orgasm, it can actually bring on a real one. Amazing what our bodies can do!


Dr. Castellanos is a psychiatrist specializing in sex therapy for over 25 years, including treatment with bio-identical hormones, and functional medicine consultations. You can follow her on Instagram at thesexmd, Facebook at The Sex MD, and X at @DrCastellanos.

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