Annual 2015 SKYN® Condoms Sex Survey Reveals Millennials Sexual Habits

Not only do millennials make up the majority of the market for condoms in the United States, but they also appear to be closing the gap in many areas of sexuality. The annual SKYN® Condoms Sex Survey reported in July 2015 and taken by the makers of Lifestyles and SKYN condoms shows that millennials may be much more comfortable and sexually adventurous than previous generations.
2015 SKYN® Condoms Millennial Sex Survey Discovers Millennials are Closing the Orgasm Gap
Findings suggest millennials may reach a little farther than their parents:
“The Big O: Most female millennials are reaching orgasm during sex, with 89 percent typically experiencing the “Big O,” and only 5 percent of survey respondents reporting that they don’t typically reach the finish.
The Buzz on Vibrators: Millennials are not shy about asking for a helping hand. Over one-fourth of survey respondents noted that they are regularly using vibrating devices.
Slippery Slope: Millennials are using lubricants more now than they did in past years, with 43 percent reporting lubricant usage as part of their sexual routine.”
Annual Survey Reveals Condom Use Habits, Sexual Habits, Online and Mobile Dating Trends and More
The survey also showed:
“V-Card: Millennials are losing their virginity at a younger age. Eighty-three percent of 18-24 year olds are losing their virginity by age 18 compared to 72 percent of 25-29 year olds and 73 percent of 30-34 year olds.
Naughty Behavior: Millennials have found new ways to engage in sexual behavior on their mobile phones. A staggering 57 percent of millennials report having sexted, with 7 percent sexting daily and 11 percent sexting several times per week. Also, 49 percent of millennials send naked pictures on their mobile phones, with 25 percent specifically sending pictures via Snapchat.
Save A Horse: Doggy style is a millennial’s favorite sexual position, closely followed by missionary and cowgirl. Men prefer doggy style whereas women prefer missionary.
Sex Ed: The higher the level of education completed, the more condoms are being used. Sixty-six percent of millennials with a Doctoral degree and 65 percent of those with a Professional degree reported using condoms, compared to 44 percent of those with a high school diploma. Notably, 58 percent of millennials currently enrolled at a university report using condoms.
Sex vs. Tech: A staggering 37 percent of millennials claim they would give up sex for a year rather than give up the Internet.”
People often follow what they think other people are doing, rather than what others are actually doing.
I like to think that an increase in good quality sexual education has contributed to safer sex and better choices for couples that bring more sexual satisfaction as well as strengthened relationships and self-worth. With that said, surveys don’t always capture a sample that represents the majority of society. The takeaway – people are more comfortable looking for information to enhance their sex lives. When this can be done in a way that promotes emotional growth and physical health, I strongly encourage it. The original press release is available at
Dr. Castellanos is a psychiatrist specializing in sex therapy for over 25 years, including treatment with bio-identical hormones, and functional medicine consultations. You can follow her on Instagram at thesexmd, Facebook at The Sex MD, and X at @DrCastellanos.