Masturbation Does Not Equal Failure

In speaking to people about masturbation, one of my favorite activities topics, I find that many people equate masturbation with failure. They interpret the action of masturbating as a reminder that they do not have a partner, or are not getting satisfied with their partner. Consider, as well, the way that we are taught about masturbation – that it is unnatural, against nature, and a sin – usually by way of religious education. Our public opinion is so averse to masturbation that our government would fire a Surgeon General for not suggesting, but just agreeing with the idea that teaching masturbation to teenagers might reduce the incidence of risky sexual behavior. This, of course, was from President Clinton – who might have done better to engage in a little masturbation, in private, rather than oral sex and outer sex with a woman other than his wife. A little masturbation could have saved taxpayers the $6 or $7 million dollars that were spent investigating him.

By viewing masturbation as a failure, we are refusing to take responsibility of our own sexuality and our own sexual pleasure. The rejection of masturbation as an acceptable activity assumes that we depend on others for sexual satisfaction. By doing this, we imprison ourselves and give away the key. This means that not only does happiness in our sex life rely on having a partner, but also requires that our partner be ready, willing, and able whenever we want. For those of us living in the real world, we know that this is not always the case. In fact, for the majority of women, sexual intercourse alone does not provide enough excitement or stimulation to acheive orgasm. But with lessons learned from masturbating, women can explore with their partner different ways to provide the needed stimulation by teaching their partner to stimulate them, or by stimulating themselves manually during intercourse.

Masturbation can also be a very erotic activity to engage in with your partner. Many couples enjoy watching each other get off, while others like to get their partners off. It can be part of the beginning, middle, or end of an evening of sexual activity. Remember, there is no set format for sex unless you limit yourself to one. The only failure I see here is if a person fails to allow themselves maximal pleasure and variety in their sexual activities.

Some would argue that masturbation is not natural and is an abomination. This is to ignore the fact that masturbation is an activity that we teach ourselves and is found to occur even before birth in the womb. The extreme negative view is more indicative of other people’s insecurities and neuroses rather than the reality of the natural process of masturbation. And especially for women, who have the clitoris which serves no other function than to give pleasure, it is clear that we were built for more than just reproduction.

Perhaps the biggest misconception is that we should not engage in masturbation if we do not have a partner, but instead just let our natural sexual desires shrivel away over time. Some view masturbation so negatively that they would rather completely ignore the entirety of their sexuality than to engage in masturbation. Again, here is the reverberation of the idea that in order to be sexual, you must have a partner. In my opinion, this is to sell yourself short. By doing so, you ignore all of the physical and psychological benefits of having regular sexual arousal and satisfaction. Instead of viewing masturbation as failure, I see it as a proactive, healthy affirmation and reinforcement of our sexual self. It supports healthy physiology for our brains as well as our bodies.


  1. Laura March 1, 2010 at 9:15 pm - Reply

    Thank you Dr. C for this post and I couldn't agree more.

    I especially love your statement: "Remember, there is no set format for sex unless you limit yourself to one. The only failure I see here is if a person fails to allow themselves maximal pleasure and variety in their sexual activities."

    We so often limit ourselves through our own thinking – this site is just what we all need to get outside of those self-imposed limitations.

  2. Anonymous April 1, 2010 at 1:54 am - Reply

    I don't know Dr. C, sometimes, I have to just divorce myself from the nalgas to get work done, or if I'm stressed, under duress, worried – does that happen to you? Instead of serving as a release, I just get really anxious. I just think I am more productive when I don't masturbate for weeks at a time.

  3. Dr C. April 1, 2010 at 8:32 am - Reply

    @Anonynous ..It sounds as if masturbating gives you energy and invigorates you, but you are experiencing this as anxious energy. Do you experience anxiety in other ways? Do you exercise regularly? Masturbation (and satisfying sexual experiences in general) help us feel powerful and alive. It sounds as if finding a way to channel that energy into being more productive instead of allowing it to distract you would be the key. I am a big proponent of regular exercise and relaxation. Give yourself permission to celebrate the good feelings that masturbation can give you and start to notice if with this added energy, is your mind trying to control everything by thinking about 10 things at once. When you are trying to maintain control of everything, it feels uncomfortable to focus on just one thing at a time – but paradoxically, this is how we function more efficiently, doing one thing at a time and placing our full attention on it so that we can get it out of the way and move on to the next task. The first 5 minutes after orgasm is particularly relaxing because of the increased levels of prolactin and oxytocin. During those moments after orgasm, you can practice telling yourself, "Everything in it's own time" and recall that feeling whenever you find yourself getting stressed.

  4. Steve November 6, 2015 at 4:13 am - Reply

    Dr. Castellanos, thank you so much for sharing your positive feelings about masturbation. It means a lot that you can personally relate to the subject, btw it’s one of my favorite activities (topics) also. The title you chose is an issue that I can relate to in dealing with depression. I have read many conflicting reports regarding the relationship between depression and masturbation. Some say masturbating releases endorphins which a good. But, I’ve read other places that it only deepens depression. Do you have an opinion or answer to whether it’s good or bad in regards to depression? Thank you

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