How many of you have had dreams about sex and end up having an orgasm in your sleep? And how many of you have orgasms in your sleep on a regular basis?
Most people know that men start having wet dreams (nocturnal emissions) at puberty. Orgasms (or ejaculations) during sleep are a natural and common occurrence. For men, the terms wet dreams, nocturnal emissions, or spontaneous orgasms are all the same thing. Some men are woken up by their orgasm/ejaculation, while others wake up to find that they have already come and may not remember having had a sex dream. And just because a man masturbates or has regular sexual activity, doesn’t mean that he won’t necessarily have wet dreams. It depends on the man.
What I find very interesting and not often discussed, is that women also have sex dreams that may or may not end in orgasm. As with other aspects of sexual arousal, there may be no obvious, tangible signs (like ejaculation), but she may be woken up by a strong orgasm. In fact, some women report they can have stronger orgasms in their sleep compared to the orgasms they have when they are awake. Some women can even have multiple orgasms in their sleep. Because women usually don’t have ’emissions’ with their sex dreams, terms like nocturnal orgasms, spontaneous orgasms, and sleep-related orgasms are used to describe these instead. Even though Kinsey reported that about 37% of women admitted to a sleep-related orgasm by age 45, and more recent surveys place that percentage much higher, it still seems that many people are not aware of this occurrence, and therefore have a some misunderstandings or guilt about it.
It is important to understand that sleep-related orgasms are a natural occurrence for both men and women that can start around the time of puberty. Some studies suggest that the occurrence of sleep-related orgasms may correspond to relative testosterone levels, both for men and women. Some cultures have been more open in talking about it than others. In fact, there is historical documentation of sleep-related orgasms for women dating back to ancient Greece about women having and enjoying sex dreams. (Gotta love the Greeks!) Despite it being such a common occurrence, it is not really taught in sex education classes, or by parents (especially not for girls). Consequently, many people develop bad feelings or guilt related to having sex dreams and sleep-related orgasms because they think they are not normal, or they are disturbed by the content of their dream.
As a psychiatrist, let me tell you that sex dreams, like most other dreams, are usually symbolic in nature. What this means is that what you are dreaming about usually stands for something or someone else and should not always be interpreted at face value. Many times people become alarmed if they are dreaming about someone other than their partner, or situations that they would usually find offensive or unacceptable. But dreams are tricky like that. They are the unconscious mind’s way of working things out that doesn’t always make sense to our conscious mind. Just because you become extremely excited dreaming about group sex, or some random person you met on the street, it doesn’t mean that is your actual wish. Women may have dreams about sex with other women, for example, as a way for the mind to experiment without real-life consequences. Sex dreams should not necessarily be seen as a reflection of what a person wants when they are awake. Nor should they be seen as a sign of infidelity or desire to be unfaithful. It’s just the way the unconscious mind works.
Sleep-related orgasms are found to occur most often in REM sleep when most other dream activity happens. They can also happen during a REM cycle during a daytime nap. The interesting part about sex dreams and sleep-related orgasms is that for many people, especially women, they can be more intense than what they experience in their sex life. This is because while you are asleep, there is less inhibition and less conscious restraint. Studies of brain scans have shown that there is actually a ‘turning off’ of certain areas in the brain that process outside information, motor activity, and emotion at the time of orgasm. This is very similar to a sleep state, and may help explain why there are less barriers to intense sexual excitation (especially for women) during sleep than when they are awake. Also, during sleep and dreaming, there is the ability to paint an optimal scenario where you get exactly the stimulation you want when and where you want it, which may not happen precisely in real life.
So we see that sex dreams and sleep-related orgasms are natural, healthy, and common. They should not be considered wrong, immoral, abnormal, or perverted. Just take them as they come. Sweet dreams.
Sex dreams are sources of great fantasy for me…everyone shows up in them…it's a rare occurence, but getting close to orgasm while dreaming is intense and surprising. Usually I wake up "out of breath" and realize that my dreams have that sensual, hot and uninhibted quality that starts my day off wonderfully!
I’m so glad I found this article. Orgasms in my dreams have become a regular occurrence and I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one. But I gotta tell ya… I sure don’t mind. The orgasms I have in my dreams are earth shattering and explosive like. Much more intense than any I’ve ever had when awake. More often would be fine with me!!!
I love them. They are intense and multiple…..
Llast night i dreamt of my favourite actor before we had even started the excitement was intense i awoke just as the act had begun and through out the day i memorise the moment it was a thrill.
Sounds fabulous – so lucky!
I turned 34 the other day and have never had orgasm with any man. I am not Gay but when i sleep i dream having sweet times with other girls and wake up with a mighty orgasm. At first i used to be ashamed but now I loved it,infact am starting to loose interest in men
I have had the occasional sleep orgasm throughout the years, now in my third trimester of my second pregnancy I’m having them several nights in a row and usually dont go a week without having at least one. Wondering if it has anything to do with pregnancy, or this pregnancy in particular anyway as I never experienced one with my first and these sleep orgasms only started for me in my mid 20’s.
They’re pretty great, almost always wake me up in the final throws of climax. I tend to excitedly wake my partner up after I’ve had one just to brag about how wonderful sleep is…
I have fairly frequent sex related dreams that sometimes lead almost (but not quite) to orgasm and sometimes lead to very intense orgasms where I actually wake myself up from moaning out loud. I have found that there is a correlation between having a sex dream and having a very full bladder. I always wake up and have to run straight to the bathroom to pee. I’m guessing there are some crossed wires somewhere down there. Lol
Jennifer, one of the ideas of why sex dreams occur is that during REM sleep, there is blood flow to the erectile tissue of both men and women. With that stimulation, the dreams could be in response to that feeling. Similarly, if your bladder is full, it could produce sensations in and around your genitals which might also trigger a sex dream. It’s not that the wires are crossed, they are just that close together!
[…] have an equivalent. An increased blood flow to the vagina and pelvic muscles during REM sleep can result in an orgasm. That, paired with your brain being mostly shut down during sleep, helps […]
So glad I found this article. I’ve been having these sort of dreams since a few years back. Sometimes is with a hot man, sometimes not so hot, but either way, the orgasms I experience are always pretty strong and multiple. I am not sure if I do have an orgasm or I am just ‘dreaming’ it too, but either way, is pretty wonderful and intense. It only happens when my bladder is full (I usually drink a lot of water, not with this purpose, this is just a nice side effect, lol).
On a side note… last night was the best ever!!! I was having sex with Colin Firth!! lol…
I often have orgasm in my dream with an unknown man
Sound delicious!
When ever I’m in a sex dream i wake up cause I think its urin
Yes, most people wake up from a sex dream either due to the orgasm, or for men the orgasm + ejaculation.
Dear Dr. Madeleine,
A world of thanks for your useful information. I have didn’t ejaculate in my dream since 5 years. I am 30 now and still single. I play with women and dream and have even intercourse but no ejaculations or orgasm. Please tell me the reason?
Thank you
Najib – I don’t know the reason why you are not ejaculating. If you are not reaching orgasm, there may be anxiety involved, it may be due to side effects of medications, or for some people could be the result of medical conditions. You should speak with your urologist about this and have a full examination.
I have had these off and on my entire life, but lately I’m waking up having orgasms when I’m having nonsexual dreams. Just regular old run of the mill dreams that have nothing at all to do with sex or even my boyfriend. I was having a dream about attending a fair, running into friends and seeing a demonstration of a computer-related app. I was trying to figure out how I could apply and use it for my current job and that’s when I woke up mid orgasm. In the past the dreams were sex-related but most recently they have been the farthest thing from it. Is it just the REM sleep itself that triggers it? I have actually been diagnosed with Narcolepsy in the past and am not currently taking any medications, so I do tend to spend an inordinate amount of time in REM sleep each night.
In REM sleep, there is increased blood flow to erectile tissue in both men and women. This contributes to sex dreams because the brain is still aware of sensations coming from the body. Some people find that sleeping on their stomach makes these dreams more common, perhaps because there is more stimulation of the erectile tissue. Perhaps you should speak with your neurologist/sleep specialist about it if it is bothering you?
I woke up with a full bladder it’s morning when I went to the bathroom I discovered my pj pants were wet .does not smell like urine. I am a “squirter” when conditions are right during sex I am assuming this happened while I was asleep and is probably what woke me I don’t ever remember this happening I am almost 51 years old
Ok I’m glad I found this. I’ve had some cRazy dreams and I’ve wet the bed and is that from the dream it’s never happened before. And can I find a way to prevent this? Because I am in a room close to my brothers and the rule is all doors stay open 24/7. I’m just worried one day they will hear or catch me. They are not biological to me and are very close in age. So that makes it even worse any I tips ideas?
Hopefully, they are heavy sleepers. There is nothing natural that you can do to prevent sex dreams from happening, and probably little that you can do to prevent squirting if it’s natural for you. Most people don’t make sounds while this is happening in their sleep, so I don’t know if this will wake them. You may want to get a pad for your bed so that it is easier to clean up in the morning. This particular pad doesn’t seem through to the other side and is easily washed.
[…] In Natürlichkeit Situation ist wichtig, diese Art von Erfahrung zu genießen, finden Sie nicht auch? Viel ist normal, dass man während des Schlafes aus der Hemmung durch Bescheidenheit und sogar erreichen, was unmöglich geglaubt leben können jede Situation zu tun ist, sind Aspekte, die den Träumenden Geist nicht. […]
It’s a dream really.
I’ve never felt that’s really don’t exist.
When i’m still enjoying myself,wanting more and more,i wakeup with those contractions of “my girl” trying to grab him.AND I HATE THAT [waking up] PART coz it’s just a happily never after..
i love wet dreamz
Interesting… I am a Gay Male and this helps me better understand why I keep having these dreams! The first time It happened I woke up to the orgasm happening and it was after a very hot and heavy sexual encounter with a co-worker i happen to fancy….but then a few days ago there was one with a woman that I dont even know! It is quite interesting….I dont fancy woman so why does my brain create a sexual encounter with a woman?
Remember that dreams are symbolic, so the characters in the dream may or may not be who they appear to be. They may represent someone else, or even a concept of someone else.
[…] I Googled nocturnal emissions, because I’m a curious person, and found out, as I suspected, that women have nocturnal… orgasms too. They just don’t typically need to mop up a mess afterwards. Also, and this is important: not all […]
I had one of these last night. It was really intense for me. I’ve always been attracted to Kate Hudson, the actress and in my dream last night I got to go all the way. I ejaculated/wet the bed. I woke up in the middle and had to go to the bathroom too because my bladder was full. I think it was a combo ejaculation, urination. Either way it was very gratifying, something I don’t think I’ve ever experienced quite like that. I was asleep on my stomach and I could feel myself penetrating. Very weird, but also very enjoyable.
My wife has been having spontaneous morning orgasms for a couple of years. She’s almost through the menopause, which has effected her libido to the point that we haven’t had sex of any sort for 12 years… She makes point of telling me when they happen, but nothing more, so I can’t say if there’s a dream associated with them. I’m not threatened or in any way upset by this, but it seems odd that despite us being completely sexless, she has orgasms and tells me about them. Could it be something psychological? Should this be telling me something? Or is this physiological in nature and quite normal? BTW – there’s no way she’d come to a site like this and ask, as she considers anything sexual to be completely unimportant. Should I/we be concerned? Is there anything I could or should be doing?
It’s perfectly natural. It seems that it is a combination of increased genital blood flow during REM sleep along with erotic dreams. If you interrupt her sleep, you may interrupt the dream.
Hey I’m having these orgasms regularly you can say like after a day or Two And its bothering me now as I’m getting weak I just wanted to know if its ok because all of a sudden I’m getting them after a day or 2
I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean?
I just woke up from having 3 orgasms during sleep. This is something that has happened at random since I can remember. I definitely don’t mind at all! I love this article, and it’s wonderful to know that other women experience this as well.
I am having orgasm dreams quite regularly (at least a couple times a week) and I don’t know why. It’s NEVER with a person. It’s always masturbation. Wonder what my hand could symbolize? LOL
And in every dream, someone is always near by and I’m worried about getting caught. I’m 41 and I NEVER sleep on my stomach.
While the orgasms are amazing (much more intense than in real life), it’d be nice to dream about something other than my friggin hand… *sigh*
i have wet dreams about an older gay man
Cool. It must be very erotic for you.